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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Crawlspace Mold? Call SERVPRO for Remediation!

7/12/2023 (Permalink)


Restoring Mold Damage in South Orlando Using Professional Procedures

Mold damage is likely to develop in the crawl space when the area becomes wet. When we perform an inspection in a crawl space, we check whether water is leaking in the area and fix the problem when possible. High humidity is another concern in such areas, so we have to identify the causes of high water vapor and address them. It is pointless to disinfect the molds in your Orlando home without addressing its primary cause.  

If your South Orlando home's crawl space has grading and drainage issues, mold damage will likely develop when the water collects under the house. Our SERVPRO technicians can decide to use sump pumps to extract the water. If moisture is evaporating into the crawl space from the surrounding walls and the ground, isolation may be necessary. We achieve that by using a space liner to enclose the whole area. This encapsulation acts as a vapor barrier and works very well when paired with a permanent dehumidifier in the crawl space. 

Differences in temperature between the surrounding areas and the crawl space allow the water vapor to condense. When correcting such issues, our SERVPRO technicians may recommend the installation of a dehumidifier. The device assists in monitoring and controlling the humidity in the area to discourage conditions favoring mold growth. 

Our SERVPRO technicians can pull out all the infested insulation and dispose of it. Since it is possible to restore fiberglass insulation, we carefully inspect the paper on the insulation to confirm it does not have fungal growth signs. It's possible to remove surface mold from below supports joists and beams and other hard surfaces through scraping. Though it is possible to remove surface mold from porous items such as drywall as long as the fungi have not penetrated too deeply with anchoring hyphae, we may have to discard such things once infested. Additionally, we can exterminate the spores by dispensing antimicrobial products into surfaces using thermal foggers. 

SERVPRO of South Orlando uses industry-proven techniques to protect your property from further damage after facing any size disaster. You can access our 24-hour emergency services at any time of the day by calling (407) 985-3200.

Humidity: Primary and Secondary Damages Explained by Restoration Experts

8/8/2022 (Permalink)

moisture meter held by a SERVPRO technician, hand on frame holding a small remote-looking device with screen, Call SERVPRO of South Orlando restoration experts to mitigate primary and secondary damage due to storm, flooding + water.

Different Types of Water Damage

Whenever excessive moisture gets inside a building, the problems it causes can be broken down into two categories: primary and secondary damage.

Primary Damage

When water leaks from a pipe or an appliance, it comes in contact with contents and building materials. Anything that happens due to direct contact with liquid water, such as the carpet's de-lamination, is considered primary damage. 

Secondary Damage

Once water gets inside a structure, it naturally raises humidity levels indoors when moisture from wet materials evaporates into the air. Elevated humidity levels can also cause building materials issues since water transfers from the air into dry materials to reach equilibrium. When water vapor causes structural problems, it is called secondary damage.

Extraction procedures help reduce primary issues, and structural drying helps mitigate both primary and secondary water damage. When our SERVPRO technicians deal with any water damage situation, we monitor both relative and specific humidity.

What Controls Humidity?

Controlling humidity levels in a structure helps speed up structural drying times. Wet materials dry out faster if the humidity inside a building is kept low using air movers and dehumidifiers. Monitoring and strategic placement of these devices optimize drying times. When we keep humidity levels low, we also reduce water vapor in the air, causing fewer secondary issues. 

Relative Humidity

Relative Humidity (RH) is a measure of how much water is in the air at any given temperature. RH is expressed as a percentage, so if the relative humidity is 100%, then the air is holding as much moisture as it can at that temperature. At this point, if not sooner, condensation can occur inside the building. "Raining" inside your home can only exacerbate the already water damaging effects. Air can hold more water at higher temperatures, so increasing the house's temperature will lower the relative humidity. That is one of the features of our HEPA filters. Not only does the filter suck the moisture from the air, but it also heats the air to dry the space quicker.

Specific Humidity 

The temperature has such a significant effect on relative humidity, but it's not always a good gauge of how much water exists in the air. Specific humidity is the actual amount of moisture in the air. When our restoration professionals measure specific humidity, they count the actual grains of moisture in each pound of air. To find specific humidity, we measure relative humidity levels and the room's temperature. We then put these numbers in a psychrometric chart that gives us the grains per pound (GPP) number. 

If you ever need help with issues related to water or humidity, such as flood damage, storm damage, or microbial growth, call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200, available 24 hours a day.

Do You Have a Back-to-School Family Emergency Plan?

8/4/2022 (Permalink)

No one ever likes to think that an emergency could happen to them, but the reality is that disasters can strike anytime, anywhere, including while your child is at school.

Even if you never end up needing your family emergency plan, it's best to be prepared just in case. Having a solid plan in place will give you everyday peace of mind and, in the event of an emergency, could save lives.

Emergency Contacts

Make a list of 1-3 trusted emergency contacts who can pick up your child from school in the event that you are unable. Be sure to notify these people and get their permission. Review the list with your child to ensure they're comfortable with these people, know how to contact them by phone, and know what their vehicle looks like. Including an emergency card in your child’s backpack could prove useful for ensuring your child has the correct, pertinent information.

Communicate with the School

Ensure your child's school is kept up to date about who is allowed to pick them up. They'll need correct contact information and sometimes require a form of identification for their records. Many schools have materials they distribute to indicate designated pick up areas and other important information.

Drop Off Location

It’s scary, but it could happen. If none of the emergency contacts can be reached by phone or they're unable to pick your child up in a timely manner, alternative transportation may have to be arranged. Be sure to have a designated alternative drop-off spot. This could be a friend or relative's house, or another trusted location. Be sure your child knows the location, their current address, and phone number so that they can accurately tell authorities how to get there safely.

Reevaluate Each Year

As your child ages, changes schools, or your family moves, it's smart to update your plan. 

Although we hope your family never experiences an unexpected disaster, if you do, SERVPRO is available 24/7/365 for emergency service. Learn more here.

Commercial Water Damage Remediation in Your Orlando Business

7/25/2022 (Permalink)


Some of the Regular Water Damages SERVPRO Sees in Orlando Hotels

Water damage can happen anywhere in a hotel, but some areas and types of damage happen far more often than others. When problems go beyond simple cleanup and sanitation matters, your cleaning personnel or company may be ill-equipped to handle the consequences of significant water damage. SERVPRO of South Orlando specializes in fast and complete hotel services, ensuring rooms stay clean, undamaged, and pleasant-smelling after the incident. If these common problems happen in your building, call us or use our Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) system to get a crew of technicians to your location.

Overflowing Sinks and Bathtubs

One of the reasons SERVPRO is called into hotels when a guest causes a sink or bathtub to overflow. Determining when and why these problems happen can be difficult. At the same time, guests remain in their rooms, so it may not be uncommon to only find out about the matter days later or when water starts to leak elsewhere and cause further damages. SERVPRO inspectors create a detailed assessment of the situation to understand what specific problems might come from these scenarios and estimate our work times and costs.

Water Line Leaks and Breaks

With so many water lines running throughout the building, it may not be uncommon for them to leak or burst, especially when they are ancient. Be sure to call us as soon as you suspect that a water line may have been ruptured, as the speed of our response may be critical to prevent as much damage as possible. To avoid most water line problems in your hotel, make sure that pipes receive semi-regular maintenance and checkups.

Left-Open Windows

If guests can open windows in your hotel rooms, they may sometimes forget to close them before a storm rolls through the area. Rain pouring through an open window can cause significant damage to the carpet and upholstery; however, the worst effects are preventable by calling SERVPRO.

SERVPRO of South Orlando can handle both small, isolated incidents and large-scale disasters throughout an entire building. For the best outcomes, call quickly after an incident at (407) 985-3200.

SERVPRO Helps Prevent Fire in Your Home with Dryer Vent Cleaning

7/24/2022 (Permalink)

House fires affect millions of people every year at the cost of over $500 Million. Smoke detectors have proved their value, saving lives and homes from total loss. Most house fires start in the kitchen, but a significant number still occur in a place most forget about once the item is installed, the dryer vent. 

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, 2,900 dryer fires are reported each year. These fires lead to a staggering national average of 35 million dollars in property damage, 100 injuries, and five fatalities annually. 

PSA: Vent cleaning service may reduce your clothes dryer's workload while lowering energy usage!

A dryer inside the house or apartment uses a metal exhaust pipe (galvanized iron or steel usually) to vent hot air outside the home. The zinc-coated material is designed to handle the highest dryer settings and more but not open flames from burning built-up lint. Since this is an exhaust pipe and smoke seeks the most comfortable access, a vent fire goes undetected by the smoke detectors much longer than a fire anywhere else in the house. 

If your dryer is in the garage or under a carport, the chance for a significant fire is reduced. The flexible vent tube may not run under the house, but it is still at risk. The build-up of lint can still ignite, destroying your dryer and the washer next to it. As the flexible plastic pipe melts, the burning material quickly ignites drywall and other building materials. 

Our technicians can eliminate this threat with an inspection. We can attach an air mover that introduces high-velocity airflow into your vent for just a few minutes. If the build-up has caked against the sides of the pipe, we'll then use a brush with a telescoping handle to scrape the sides and then blore-attach the air mover to the lint outside your home. We detach it from the dryer for a flexible conduit and clean it outside using either an air mover or garden hose to wash it out. 

The cost for vent cleaning is minor compared to the possible cost(s) to restore your home fire-damaged home. Aren’t convinced? There are still some things you, as a property owner, can do to keep your home as safe as possible.

What You Can Do

Clean the lint filter.

A clogged lint filter is the leading contributing factor in residential dryer fires. The U.S. Fire Administration reports that failing to clean out the lint trap causes 34 percent of reported dryer fires every year.

Each time you unload the dryer, clean out the lint trap. Before putting the next load of clothes in, double-check that the lint trap is completely clean to lower your risk of fire. A clean lint filter allows the dryer to run more efficiently, too, thus drying your clothes faster while also preventing your machine from overheating.

Inspect the ducts regularly.

Blocked ducts frequently cause dryer fires. To ensure your dryer is running correctly, check your ducts about once a month to ensure there are no blockages. Some telltale signs that your ducts are clogged include the following indicators:

  • Your laundry is taking longer to dry
  • Exhaust air is failing to exit the vent
  • You suspect that your machine is overheating

Sometimes, a blockage occurs because the venting system itself is damaged. Other times, blockages may be occurring because of an accumulation of lint, animals building nests in the vents, or snow building up over the outside vents.

If you notice any blockages, clean them out before using your dryer again. To clean your ducts, disconnect them, remove the blockages and reconnect them. If you notice any damage to the venting system, call in a professional to repair the issue.

Replace outdated ducts.

Older ducts made of plastic or foil are prone to sagging. These accordion-style ducts can easily trap lint in hard-to-reach spaces, increasing your risk of fire. To keep your home safe, replace your older models with new ducts designed with heavy-duty metal.

DON'T overload the dryer.

Stuffing too many wet clothes or bedding into a dryer can cause an excess of lint to accumulate. Since lint build up reduces a dryer's ability to ventilate, the machine may quickly overheat and cause a fire to break out. Read your owner's manual to determine your machine's maximum hold to ensure you aren't overstuffing it.

DON'T leave the dryer running unattended.

Never go to sleep or leave the house while your dryer is running. If a fire breaks out, your ability to extinguish it or call emergency services right away can make all the difference between damage to your laundry room and complete loss of your home.

DON'T dry clothes without the lint filter.

A dryer without its lint trap is an accident waiting to happen. The filter protects the dryer's inner workings from collecting lint. Without this defensive shield, a buildup of lint in the ducts can easily lead to a dryer vent fire.

To lower your risk, always use your dryer with the lint trap in place. If your existing lint trap is worn or develops any holes, replace it immediately at your nearest home supplies store.

When it comes to disasters, one could argue that none are worse than a residential fire. Not only do the flames cause inherent danger as they destroy your family's home and or business, but there is also the after effect concerning the removal of debris, soot, the smell of smoke, compromised structure, and additional damages that have been inflicted on your property. For most homeowners, fire is an incredible event. However, they DO happen and for a variety of reasons.

Top 10 Other Causes of Fires

  1. Home heat fires: Your furnace needs regular inspection(s) and ensures combustibles are not near any portable heaters.

  2. Cooking fires: Unattended kitchens, splattering grease, and combustibles near the source of heat are very common fire starters.

  3. Smoking: Always ensure that you properly and completely extinguish the cigarette if you smoke in your home.

  4. Electrical fires: Look out for frayed cords, overloaded plug outlets, and the overuse of extension cords.

  5. Children: Keep lighters and matches away from children to stifle any curiosity they could have about what happens when various items catch fire.

  6. Candles: Candles may smell nice, but if left unattended, they could cause a significant issue.

  7. Flammable items: Do not keep adhesives, paint, or cleaning agents close to sources of heat.

  8. Faulty wiring: A significant safety hazard is inadequate wiring (MOSTLY prevalent in older apartments and homes).

  9. Grills: Never cook on the grill under an awning or a covered porch. Give yourself ample space away from your home and automobiles.

  10. Holiday décor: Be mindful of how close your Christmas tree is to your fireplace and always safely hang another décor.

Despite our best efforts as homeowners, accidents still happen. If your home has been damaged by fire and smoke, call SERVPRO of South Orlando. Our team of highly trained technicians can help get your life back to normal as quickly as possible. With the proper training, innovative equipment, and helpful guidance, our expert technicians will be with you every step of the way to get you back on your feet.

We will arrive at your home quickly to mitigate the damages, secure your property and start the emergency cleaning process to items that are of priority. While we are on the site, your property will be inspected, assessments of damage(s) will be documented, and preliminary estimates made to give you a comprehensive restoration plan of action. 

SERVPRO of South Orlando Lesser-Known Cleaning Categories

7/3/2022 (Permalink)

man in white hazmat suit wiping table, wearing a mask, other man in background, certified SERVPRO clean SERVPRO of South Orlando has the means to help your commercial property—whether a main service or a lesser-known cleanup category.

So...What Does SERVPRO Do?

With so many restoration companies out there, it’s hard to know which company is the right fit. And in the midst of a crisis, calling for emergency service, that decision can seem impossible and overwhelming. We are a restoration company defined by quality. While we have built a reputation for our top tier fire and water restoration services, (seriously, see our 5-star reviews), we also service many other cleanup categories. 

SERVPRO’s Lesser-Known Cleanup Categories

On top of water damage cleanup, fire restoration, mold remediation, commercial and residential cleaning, contents cleaning—which includes drapes, blinds, walls, floors ceilings, upholstery and carpets—SERVPRO of South Orlando also does:

  • General cleaning and graffiti removal
  • Air ducts and HVAC cleaning, not repair
  • Brick, stone, and concrete cleaning
  • Odor removal and deodorization
  • Debris removal
  • Vandalism and graffiti removal
  • Trauma and Crime Scene cleanup
  • Biohazard cleaning
  • Sewage cleanup

Wow, what a list, right? That’s not all we do. We also professionally sanitize your home or business with our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned process. We have a proprietary blend of disinfectants to deal with biological contaminants.

Specialized Training — Certified: SERVPRO Clean

The Center for Disease Control Prevention (CDC)  set forth protocols, and we are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business to high standards. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants. We go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff performs daily.

The CDC encourages cleaning high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC's guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment
  • Specialized Products

The CDC recommends the usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line, available on Amazon, carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. Do you need proactive cleaning of your commercial property or any of our lesser-known cleaning services? Call SERVPRO of South Orlando today at 407-985-3200.

Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover Mold Damage?

6/27/2022 (Permalink)

words about insurance coverage on a blurry dark background with a SERVPRO orange logo Perils covered by homeowners insurance policies vary. SERVPRO of South Orlando cleans microbial contamination.
The perils covered by homeowners insurance policies vary depending on the insurer.

Mold damage can be costly and happen anywhere, so several insurance companies have restricted or eliminated coverage for this risk under standard policies. If you are concerned about fungus growth at a residence, try to identify the problem's source first, then check your policy for mold coverage.

The Cause of Mold Damage Matters

Restoration experts commonly refer to mold as secondary damage, as fungal growth typically results from direct water damage.

Insurers are more likely to cover mold damage that results from one of the following covered incidents:

  • Appliance leaks
  • Broken or burst pipes
  • Pipe leaks

Even if a policy does not cover the cost of fixing the problem, the resulting damage may be covered. Check your policy and contact an insurance agent or adjuster.

3 Ways Insurers Limit Mold Coverage

Many homeowners insurance providers have removed or limited the amount of coverage for fungus growth because it is a higher risk peril. Since mold can grow practically anywhere, anytime in the right conditions—it’s not exclusive to one geographical location. Because of this an insurer may restrict coverage in these ways:

  • Exclude mold damage completely
  • Only cover microbial testing or cleanup
  • Refuse coverage on properties with a history of mold

Read your policy carefully to determine whether there are any conditions under which mold is covered. If mold is not covered, you may want to add an endorsement.

What Is an Endorsement?

It may be possible for policy holders to pay for limited mold coverage. Ask your insurer whether any endorsements are available. This option may be costly, especially if your residence has a history of mold.Homeowners should determine the limitations of their coverage and decide whether to obtain additional mold insurance.

Paying for remediation out of pocket can be very expensive. The best way to prevent mold growth is to mitigate water damage and potential damage. Don’t be caught without the right mold insurance.

Humidity: Primary and Secondary Damages Explained by Restoration Experts

6/26/2022 (Permalink)

moisture meter, blue, held by a servpro technician, used to determine the moisture left in an area, on a surface, white wall Call SERVPRO of South Orlando restoration experts today to mitigate primary and secondary damages caused by storms, flooding, and water.

Whenever excessive moisture gets inside a building, the problems it causes can be broken down into two categories: primary and secondary damage.

Primary Damage

When water leaks from a pipe or an appliance, it comes in contact with contents and building materials. Anything that happens due to direct contact with liquid water, such as the carpet's de-lamination, is considered primary damage. 

Secondary Damage

Once water gets inside a structure, it naturally raises humidity levels indoors when moisture from wet materials evaporates into the air. Elevated humidity levels can also cause building materials issues since water transfers from the air into dry materials to reach equilibrium. When water vapor causes structural problems, it is called secondary damage.

Extraction procedures help reduce primary issues, and structural drying helps mitigate both primary and secondary water damage. When our SERVPRO technicians deal with any water damage situation, we monitor both relative and specific humidity.

SERVPRO Helps Control Humidity

Controlling humidity levels in a structure helps speed up structural drying times. Wet materials dry out faster if the humidity inside a building is kept low using air movers and dehumidifiers. Monitoring and strategic placement of these devices optimize drying times. When we keep humidity levels low, we also reduce water vapor in the air, causing fewer secondary issues. 

Relative Humidity

Relative Humidity (RH) is a measure of how much water is in the air at any given temperature. RH is expressed as a percentage, so if the relative humidity is 100%, then the air is holding as much moisture as it can at that temperature. At this point, if not sooner, condensation can occur inside the building. "Raining" inside your home can only exacerbate the already water damaging effects. Air can hold more water at higher temperatures, so increasing the house's temperature will lower the relative humidity. That is one of the features of our HEPA filters. Not only does the filter suck the moisture from the air, but it also heats the air to dry the space quicker.

Specific Humidity 

The temperature has such a significant effect on relative humidity, but it's not always a good gauge of how much water exists in the air. Specific humidity is the actual amount of moisture in the air. When our restoration professionals measure specific humidity, they count the actual grains of moisture in each pound of air. To find specific humidity, we measure relative humidity levels and the room's temperature. We then put these numbers in a psychrometric chart that gives us the grains per pound (GPP) number. 

If you ever need help with issues related to water or humidity, such as flood damage, storm damage, or microbial growth, call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200, available 24 hours a day.

Reduce Business Disruption After a Commercial Disaster

6/22/2022 (Permalink)

two black and white people holding an ipad with the SERVPRO ERP app, orange background, green stripe on right, SERVPRO logo Contact SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200 to get started on your SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile today.
  After a major disaster, businesses suffer a variety of interruptions like:
  • financial and emotional stress
  • production downtime
  • sullied reputation
  • a plethora of other strains.

In the time period following a trauma like a fire, flood, pipe break, or other form of disaster, making the right decisions can be taxing and confusing. At SERVPRO, we regularly see local companies go through this and want business owners to know we are here to help after a commercial disaster. Part of that help comes through an emergency readiness checklist and disaster plan.

How To Minimize Risks and Loss of Revenue?

Creating a disaster readiness plan for your business can save you thousands on your bottom line, and can save your business, entirely. And the planning process does not have to be overwhelming when placed on top of all other responsibilities. SERVPRO of South Orlando is here to help take the weight off your shoulders by developing an Emergency Ready Profile for your company. Knowing you are, "Ready for whatever happens," will give you, your clients, and employees confidence if or when your business is affected by a disaster.

We Generate A Plan For You

By developing a SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate action plan. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize the severity of water and fire damage on your business.

SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile Advantages Provide You With:

  • A no-cost assessment of your facility.

    This means there is no need to allocate funds, giving you a great value at no cost.
  • A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency.

    It will only take a little time to complete and will not take you away from current projects, but will save a lot of time if ever needed.
  • A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster.

    This helps minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action.
  • Professionals at SERVPRO of South Orlando, established as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider!

    You have a provider that is recognized as an industry leader and is close by for an emergency response.
  • Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin.

    This saves time so we can start cleaning up the damage, so you can reopen your business as soon as possible.
  • Specific Facility Details of your business such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas, and priority contact information.

    You will have a quick reference of what to do, how to do it, and who to call in case of an emergency so that you are "Ready for whatever happens."

Contact SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200 to get started on your SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile today.

We are here to be your total solutions provider during an emergency commercial disaster so you can do what’s important: taking care of your clients, employees, and other business needs. 

4 Easy Ways to Prevent Water Damage

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

  Check out these suggestions from SERVPRO of South Orlando for preventing all kinds of water damage while your kids are home for the summer.

1. Be Careful Where You Plant. 

Some plants and trees, like weeping willows, have pretty invasive roots. If you’re not careful, they’ll grow right into your sprinkler system, drainage field, pipes, and septic tanks. Plan before you plant to keep roots away from any water lines.

2. Clean Out Your Roof Gutters.

On a rainy day, a clogged gutter can send water spilling into your home’s foundation, through the roof, or down to your basement. That could cause some severe water damage! So next time you’re doing some seasonal cleaning, make sure those gutters are clean. If your gutters are too high or you do not have the correct tools, be safe and get a professional to check and clean them.

3. Use a Drain Snake Instead of Unclogging Chemicals.

Most folks don’t realize these chemicals are eating away at their pipes. If you rely on them a lot, you could be setting yourself up for leaks. That’s why owning a drain snake is an excellent solution to clear away clogs. They’re pretty inexpensive; you can get these thin, plastic sticks with thorn-like teeth at your local hardware store. Depending on the drain snake, they can cut through most any clog you’ll have without damaging pipes. 

4. Never Pour Grease Down Your Sink.

It doesn’t matter if you flush it with hot or cold water. Grease can still cling to your pipes and could even cause some severe damage and blockage. The safest thing to do is pour your grease in an empty can and either let it sit or put it in the refrigerator. Once it hardens, you can toss it in the trash and get rid of it. Done and done. 

We know that water and flooding emergencies can happen any time, so we’re ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – including holidays. Call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200.

Water Damage 101: What Are the Categories of Water Cleanup?

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

Unexpected water in your home—where it shouldn’t be—isn’t something that should be overlooked. Whether the water damage appears to be minimal or overbearing, understanding the type of water and accompanying damage is important to ensure proper cleanup and restoration.

Types of Water

Any kind of flooding needs to be immediately addressed to ensure further damage doesn’t occur. Before grabbing the mop and bucket or wet vacuum, it is vital to understand the type of water that is being dealt with because there are three categories of water. These three categories vary by what type of contaminants makes up the water. The categories of water damage that restoration companies like SERVPRO of South Orlando use are:

Clean Water: As its name suggests, this type poses little threat. This damage occurs when a water supply line leaks, a sink or bathtub without contaminants overflows, melting snow, or rainwater infiltrates the home.

Gray Water: Once water mixes with chemicals or minimal biological contaminants, it moves to this category. Sources may include a leaking dishwasher, urine-only toilet overflow, or water condensation.

Black Water: This is unsanitary water full of bacteria and microorganisms which bring potential harm to humans and animals. If there was a recent flood, it could mean those rising water included sewage and other debris. Flood water from storms is usually in this category. 

Types of Damage

When assessing water damage to determine repairs, understanding the types is important.

Class 1: The least harmful kind, it typically means that a minimal amount was absorbed in the affected areas. It is usually easy to clean.

Class 2: Known for quick evaporation rates, it can quickly absorb into carpeting and other porous materials. This damage typically requires more extensive repairs.

Class 3: If a sprinkler or pipe bursts, it can rapidly drench floors, walls, furniture, and other belongings. The rapid rate of evaporation requires quick action and water remediation measures to ensure the damage doesn’t spread or promote microbial growth.

Class 4: Excessive flooding means massive saturation of integral home components. Consulting a water damage and remediation expert is the best bet containing the situation and ensuring further damage doesn’t happen.

I Have Extensive Water Damage—What Should I Do?

While there are many levels of water damage, quick action in all situations is key to getting your home back to normal. If you are unsure which cleaning method to take after any type of flooding, call us. We are available 24 hours. Our number is (407) 985-3200. We'll assess the level of contamination quickly to advise you on the safest course of action.

By hiring a cleaning contractor like SERVPRO of South Orlando, you:

  • Reduce your likelihood of exposure to pathogens.
  • Mitigate long-term problems like microbial growth.
  • No longer have to worry about either cleanup or reconstruction—we do both!
  • Salvage flooring, furniture and important personal belongings.
  • Don’t have to hassle with insurance—we do that for you!

How to Dry Water Damaged Flooring in Orlando

6/14/2022 (Permalink)

A gleaming hardwood floor or expanse of beautifully soft carpeting is the first impression family and guests have when walking into your Orlando home. If a water loss spreads across the oak, cherry, or exotic wood or saturates the carpet and padding, a bucket and mop or household fan are inadequate to resolve the problem. Engaging a reliable full-service remediation company to help with recovery is the approach that delivers the most successful results.

Water damage in Orlando stems from many causes. Plumbing leaks and appliance breakdowns are by far the most common. Fortunately, supply line breaches are usually a Category 1 water emergency, meaning that fast action can save structural components and fixtures like carpets in many cases. The water is relatively free of contaminants, and if removed within 24 to 48 hours, mold growth potential minimizes. After your call, the SERVPRO team arrives as soon as possible, and an assessment and project planning complete quickly. Using equipment stocked on our service vehicles, our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Reconstruction Certification (IICRC) trained technicians to implement the plan immediately.

When hardwood flooring receives water damage, we use pumps and extractors to remove visible water. Then we set up negative air pressure systems by sealing mats to the floor and hoses connected to powerful extraction machinery to suction water from between the planks and subfloor. Our technicians use state-of-the-art moisture metering and thermal imaging equipment, ensuring no water lie trapped beneath as we work across the surface of the floor. Hardwood floors can appear dry yet wick up moisture from saturated substrate. Development of cupping or crowning if moisture persists the surface's smoothness and signals continuing water deterioration.

Carpeting needs special attention. SERVPRO experts inspect the extent of the water damage and use wanded extractors to mitigate or limit moisture migration to unaffected areas of the floor covering. Once we contain the spreading moisture, weighted wands allow us to dry many carpets in place. Removal of the padding might be recommended as it is inexpensive to replace yet holds large water quantities. Our technicians use great care when extracting the water, avoiding stretching the carpet's fabric, causing delamination, which's the separation of the carpet from its backing. Multiple passes ensure we remove all water eventually. Thorough removal makes the final drying phase with heated air movers and dehumidifiers less time and energy-consuming, and more effective.

SERVPRO of South Orlando invests in the training and the equipment needed to return your water-damaged floors and carpet to "Like it never even happened." One call, day or night, sets the remediation process in motion. Call (407) 985-3200.

SERVPRO Conducts Routine HVAC Maintenance and Cleaning

6/14/2022 (Permalink)

Inspecting Your HVAC Unit Can Save You Time and Money

HVAC repair is costly and if the damage is severe enough, it can prevent you from doing business. SERVPRO of South Orlando recommends that business owners schedule professional HVAC inspections each fall and spring. Routine inspections will help you stay abreast of potential problems with your unit, minimize expenses on repairs, and keep your business up and running. 

We have identified some simple maintenance chores that you can do to prolong your system's life and increase its efficiency between professional inspections and maintenance. 

Routine HVAC Maintenance 

  1. Get a high-efficiency, pleated air filter for your system.
  2. Keep your heating units and AC free of pollen, leaves, and grass.
  3. Keep two feet of space clear of your outdoor AC and heating units.
  4. Inspect refrigerant lines every month.
  5. Replace air filters at least every 90 days.
  6. In the summer, turn off the water running to the furnace humidifier.
  7. In the fall, replace the humidifier filter and turn the water back on.

Annual HVAC Maintenance

  • Replace the carbon monoxide detector battery. 
  • Make sure your outdoor AC unit is on firm and level ground. 
  • Clean AC condensation with a bleach and water mixture. 

Caring for your HVAC throughout the year will keep your work environment air quality and atmosphere pleasant, which keeps your staff happy and content. It will save you money by improving and maintaining your energy efficiency throughout your building.

SERVPRO of South Orlando is always ready to inspect and maintain your HVAC system. We're here to answer any questions you might have. Call us today at (407) 985-3200.

We Have The State-of-the-Art Equipment Necessary in South Orlando

6/14/2022 (Permalink)


Saving Facilities After Silicone Roof Water Damage in Orlando, FL

As many Florida business owners know, water damage is the second most common type of claim that they can make. A staggering 20% of all insurance claims filed are related to water damage of some kind, whether this is from a pipe malfunction, storm damage, or other water-related issues. Without thorough mitigation and drying, this damage can pose challenges to the structural integrity of your business as well as the safety of employees and customers.

If your office needs commercial water damage mitigation, you can count on a certified SERVPRO team to handle the damages quickly and efficiently, so you can get back to business. No matter how large or small the disaster, professionals are dedicated to restoring your business and ensuring that cleanup is done to code.

Silicone Roofing Risks

While silicone roof coatings can help business owners with flat roofing save on electricity and other costs, there are some risks to consider when implementing this in your space after water damage strikes. These include:

  • Abrasion and tear resistance. Compared to other coatings like modified bitumen, silicone roofing is not the most durable. It can get very slippery when wet, which can make it more prone to tears. Foot traffic dropped tools, and other activities can potentially damage the coating. 

  • Attracting dirt. Silicone roofing, which is often white, can get a visible coat of airborne dust and dirt over time, darkening roofing. Clean regularly to maximize the energy-reflective nature of the roof coating and save on HVAC costs.

  • Recoating. While recoating may not be needed as often as it is for other roofing solutions, it is imperative to choose silicone compatible with your current coating. 

How SERVPRO Saves Your Facilities

Suppose you have a roof leak in your facilities. In that case, SERVPRO can use centrifugal air movers and low-grain refrigerant dehumidifiers in tandem to pull moisture off of surfaces and eliminate it, replacing the moist air with air that is warm and dry. To dry a wet ceiling, technicians may open a few ceiling panels on either end of the affected area and position equipment so that air circulates straight up and through the space between your ceiling and roofing. This placement also helps warm, dry air circulate through the affected space for better results.

SERVPRO of South Orlando Park is here to ensure that your business looks "Like it never even happened." Call (407) 985-3200 today for rapid disaster mitigation.

How to Locate a Shower or Bathroom Leak

6/1/2022 (Permalink)

Though some water leaks throughout your Orlando home can be easy to spot, there're a vast amount of others that require more than a casual glance.

A shower or bathtub leak, for example, can fall into the latter category because there's a variety of places for leaks to emerge from in these areas.

Read how to locate one without much hassle effectively. Once identifying the source, contact a trained water restoration team to clear of any water damage, as well.

Check the Common Sources First

Before tearing into the tile work or uprooting your tub, it pays to investigate the more apparent areas first. After a shower, inspect familiar sources such as the:

  • Showerhead face;
  • The O-ring between the showerhead and arm,
  • Faucet handles and the areas surrounding them, or
  • The caulking at the base or surrounding of a shower/tub combination

Leak issues are generally noticeable in these spaces and are detectable by sight after running water through your shower.

Have a Professional Inspect Your Shower Pan, Whether New or Old

A shower pan leak is another usual spot for an issue, especially in tiled shower designs. These leaks can occur due to the pan being too old and faulty or being installed incorrectly. Therefore, it pays to have someone inspect this space as a potential cause for any shower or bathtub leak.

Determine the Severity of the Issue by Searching the Levels Below

There's no clearer indication of a bad water leak within your shower floor than through the ceiling or flooring directly below the shower itself. Look for signs of water damage or condensation on the ceiling beneath a second-story shower or throughout your crawl space below a first-floor shower.

When you're hoping to eliminate a shower or bathtub leak in your home, follow any efficient methods for a quick solo inspection before contacting a professional for further assistance.

Does My Carpet Need to Be Replaced? Professional Water Extraction and Cleaning

5/29/2022 (Permalink)

Professional Water Extraction and Cleaning

If a pipe breaks, a tub overflows, or dishwasher leaks water can spread quickly throughout your home. Moisture from one of these instances can soak into the carpet, damaging the porous fibers.

What does water do to a carpet?

If the water saturates the carpet, padding will disintegrate and glues will weaken, causing the backing to peel away from the fibers. The moisture also causes microbes to develop on the surface of the subfloor. Water will ruin the whole carpet if left too long, so how long is too long? How would a person know if a carpet is salvageable or not?

The answer depends on a few factors. A professional restoration company will examine the cause of water damage and determine if the water is Category 1, 2, or 3. These categories describe the levels of toxicity of the water. Flood water and sewage water are seen as unsafe and are categorized differently than tap water overflowing from a sink or bathtub.

A professional will also lift the different layers for cleaning and drying. The carpet padding will likely be thrown out, no matter how long it’s been sitting, because it is relatively inexpensive to replace. This saves a lot of time, effort, and money cleaning a potential breeding ground for microbial growth. 

In general, many carpets can be restored by technicians without needing replacement—even when water seeps deep into the fibers. If the water type and severity of damage poses a risk, though, a professional will know to rip out the carpet and replace it.

Water Extraction

After technicians inspect the danger and its source, lift layers, and remove pieces, they will extract water from the carpet fibers using specialized equipment. This equipment pulls the water up through a vacuum and sends it to a tank. Heavy-duty weighted extraction tools will be used for highly saturated carpets. Weighted extraction tools use the operator's weight to compress the carpet, allowing more moisture to be extracted.


After water extraction, a professional will set up drying equipment. Air moversSERVPRO’s name for industrial, high-powered, blower fans—push air in a circular motion speeding up the evaporation process. Dehumidifiers are simultaneously set up to pull moisture out of the environment and lower the property’s relative humidity.

Finally, a professional will disinfect the carpet. For additional information, call our office today at (407) 985-3200!

Is Your Business Prepared for a Fire?

5/29/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Preparedness Means More Than Simply Owning a Fire Extinguisher

A fire is every business owner’s nightmare. Your insurance policy will ensure you can rebuild in the event of a fire. But what about protecting your most important assets: your life and the lives of your employees? To avoid the unspeakable tragedy of losing employees in a fire, it’s necessary to build a fire escape plan.

Tips for Your Business’ Emergency Fire Plan

  1. Ensure your business has the proper number of smoke alarms. In newer homes, the National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72) requires hard-wired, interconnected smoke alarms with battery backup on every building level, outside each work area, and inside each office. If your building is older and smoke alarms are not already in place, install them on every level and outside each work area at a minimum. Test your alarms once a month and replace the batteries at least once a year.

  2. Teach employees what smoke alarms look and sound like. If your smoke alarm has a test feature, set aside time for a training in which you or a professional teach your employees the fire escape plan and include a smoke alarm test. If it does not have a test feature, there are videos online which provide demonstrations of what smoke alarms sound and look like. Teaching employees to recognize an alarm and know the plan of action ahead of time will give employees more confidence to remain calm during the emergency.

  3. Ensure everyone in the building knows two ways to escape from every room. It may not be an ideal route, but knowing a second exit from a room is advisable. It is also essential to establish a meeting spot outside the building to ensure everyone's arrival to safety. Depending on the size of the building, this may require a customized escape diagram.

  4. Establish an emergency communications plan. As part of your building’s fire escape plan, make sure everyone knows who and how to contact in the event of an emergency.

  5. Practice escaping from your building at least twice a year. This may seem excessive, but fire drills can save lives in the event of a real fire. Employees come and go, so frequently performing this drill makes sure all employees know what to do.

Call SERVPRO of South Orlando if your business suffers commercial fire damage at (407) 985-3200. 

SERVPRO Secures and Restores Orlando Residents' Contents After a Flooding while Mitigating the Structural Damage

5/29/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Packs Out Your Business’s Items After Storm Waters Flood Your Property

The chaos and stress of post-storm flooding at your business’s property is paralyzing. With water, debris, and quite possibly severe damage to your roof, windows, doors, and siding—you need fast, reliable help. Our team of disaster remediation experts has proven strategies to help you and your family through this difficult time. 

What is a Pack-Out?

We often recommend a pack-out after flood damage to your Orlando property. A SERVPRO pack-out is when furnishings, household or office goods, documents, and personal possessions are moved to a dry and safe space on your property or transported to our production facility to be restored. Removing the items permits our crews to clean flooded areas in your home, unimpeded; extracting water, doing demolition if and where needed. This helps technicians dry out the structure faster without the need to work around belongings.

SERVPRO uses a detailed and secure Content Claims Inventory System (CCIS) to document and track the items we move out. Lists, digital pictures, and barcoding ensure we have a complete record of the articles. We collaborate with your insurance company to make sure the efforts we make to clean, dry, and restore the pack-out inventory are covered to the extent of your contract. It is typically less expensive to restore items than to discard and replace them. We help you save time, money, and memories.

Innovative Restoration

Our production facility technicians are skilled with innovative techniques such as freeze-drying for document and picture restoration. Floodwaters can be contaminated, so we work to ensure the packed-out items receive effective disinfectant treatment. SERVPRO provides temperature and humidity-controlled smaller chambers to dry out furnishings and electronics. Be advised that modern electronics often need precise cleaning from specialty companies. We have piston-driven Esporta washing equipment to clean soft items and immersion tubs and ultrasonic equipment to loosen flood debris soiling from blinds and intricately detailed decor and other items.

SERVPRO crews secure the exterior damage with boards and tarp, moving on to extracting, containing, and disposing of the floodwaters according to local regulations. We can spray and treat soiled areas with EPA-registered disinfectants before using commercial-quality air movers, heaters, and dehumidifiers to ready your home for the return of the packed-out items, "Like it never even happened."

Call Us Today

SERVPRO of South Orlando awaits your call at (407) 985-3200. Contact us to evaluate your flood damage and rapid remediation of your home and a professional pack-out of floodwater-damaged items.

Clean Up Flood Damage: Call a Pro

5/23/2022 (Permalink)

Professional Flood Water Damage Cleanup

While some water damage events aren’t very predictable, flood damage from storms is comparably easier to forecast. Storm surges, torrential rain, and rising water levels cause massive water damage for those who live along the coast or in low-lying areas. Flood damage is terrible in every instance, but the good news is homeowners and business owners usually have adequate time to prepare their home and/or business for the impending water damage as best they can.

When a storm ends, and it's safe to return to a damaged property, many find the water damage in the home or business worse than they could have imagined. It sometimes seems impossible that water levels can rise so high and cause such devastating damage. In the unfortunate case that this has or will happen to you, follow the following important guidelines for safely handling flood waters and their effects.

Do Not Go Back To the Property Without Permission

Even if your curiosity wants to know how much water is in the property or the kind of water damage; never return to the property without being notified first that it's safe to return by proper authorities. Flood damage and waters can be hazardous, and it's easy to forget that there is so much more than just water on the road or in a home. 

Beware of Bacteria

Before anyone enters a home or office with water damage to begin the water cleanup process, they must know how much danger potentially awaits. The water cleanup process should begin as quickly as possible, but it cannot be done if the area is still unsafe.

  1. Live electricity. Don't assume just because the power is out in the town that there's nothing to worry about. The power could come back on at any moment, which means it could cause serious bodily harm to anyone in contact with the electricity or its conductors. Make sure all electricity is turned off at its source before entering any building with standing water.
  2. Danger in the water. The second danger is what might be waiting for people in the water. There could be animals like snakes or dangerous bacteria found in feces like E. Coli. Always let the local authorities do a neighborhood sweep before taking steps to prepare for the water cleanup and drying process.

Call the Pros

Restoration companies have powerful equipment designed to allow adequate drying in minimal time. Professional mitigation and restoration are imperative because any missed moisture leads to much larger problems like microbial contamination. Restoration is designed to clear out all the water in places others might not realize it is hiding. 

Call for professional restoration and mitigation rather than handling the drying process without a pro's help to remove water in a business or home. Contact SERVPRO of South Orlando for professional flood water cleanup, professional drying, and content cleaning.

Does a Remediation Company Need To Be Certified?

5/15/2022 (Permalink)


Okay, scenario: You have recently experienced a flood or other water damage and now see subsequent microbial growth. You look online for, "best mold remediation company near me," then pick the first result — or the cheapest, right?

A bad situation has been averted? Maybe not. All remediation companies aren't created equal — a costly lesson to learn if your insurance company does not cover uncertified remediation companies. When facing mold damage in your Memphis property, choosing a certified mold remediation company is your best bet. So, what does that look like?

What Is Mold Certification?

While plenty of businesses in this field have the equipment to cleanup mold, not everyone can do it well or safely. This is why the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) sets standards for mold remediation and certifies specific companies. An IICRC means a business meets standards involving:

  • Ethics
  • Technical knowledge
  • Procedures
  • Accountability

Choosing a certified microbial growth removal company can save you time, money, and frustration in the long run. Need more reasons, we have them!

Why It Matters

Not only are these standards relevant in the legal sphere, but they have practical applications to your property, too. For one, these certifications ensure accountability, as the company is compelled to maintain a standard of quality in order to keep their certification.

Secondly, acquiring the certifications also requires a high amount of knowledge, so choosing a certified company ensures you've chosen one of the best in the field.

Also, many insurance companies hesitate to cover work by an uncertified mold removal company. As an obvious result, choosing a company that your insurance covers lightens the cost load to your pocket because your insurance will likely cover the majority of the cost.

When you're looking for mold remediation, it's not time to cut corners. Look for a certified mold remediation company with the proper IICRC verifications, and you can rest easy the job will be done right the first time.

SERVPRO Conducts Routine HVAC Maintenance and Cleaning

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

Inspecting Your HVAC Unit Can Save You Time and Money

HVAC repair is costly and if the damage is severe enough, it can prevent you from doing business. SERVPRO of South Orlando recommends that business owners schedule professional HVAC inspections each fall and spring. Routine inspections will help you stay abreast of potential problems with your unit, minimize expenses on repairs, and keep your business up and running. 

We have identified some simple maintenance chores that you can do to prolong your system's life and increase its efficiency between professional inspections and maintenance. 

Routine HVAC Maintenance 

  1. Get a high-efficiency, pleated air filter for your system.
  2. Keep your heating units and AC free of pollen, leaves, and grass.
  3. Keep two feet of space clear of your outdoor AC and heating units.
  4. Inspect refrigerant lines every month.
  5. Replace air filters at least every 90 days.
  6. In the summer, turn off the water running to the furnace humidifier.
  7. In the fall, replace the humidifier filter and turn the water back on.

Annual HVAC Maintenance

  • Replace the carbon monoxide detector battery. 
  • Make sure your outdoor AC unit is on firm and level ground. 
  • Clean AC condensation with a bleach and water mixture. 

Caring for your HVAC throughout the year will keep your work environment air quality and atmosphere pleasant, which keeps your staff happy and content. It will save you money by improving and maintaining your energy efficiency throughout your building.

We are always ready to inspect and maintain your HVAC system. We're here to answer any questions you might have. Call us today at (407) 985-3200.

How to Protect My Business from Utility Room Fire or Electrical Fire?

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

A business is affected in a uniquely difficult way when the business suffers fire damage. The damage leads to loss, but it destroys the infrastructure for recovering that loss. For example, when a restaurant’s utility room or electrical system catches fire and burns a facility, the income the owners could have made to pay for that loss is uprooted, having a chilling effect on a commercial property. 

This highlights the importance of buying the right insurance.

In an effort against fire loss, most buildings have measures to protect the property from utility room fire or electrical fire loss. A fire sprinkler system is one of the strategies that play an essential role in fire suppression

A Sprinkler System’s Job

This system has sensors that detect a change in room temperature. If the temperature reaches a critical level, the alarm turns on, the valves open, and water jets are sprinkled in the rooms. The fire sprinkler system is the first line of defense against fire before the arrival of backup, like firefighters.

You’ll Need More Than a Sprinkler System

The fire sprinkler system alone may not curb utility room fire or electrical fire outbreak from spreading. If no secondary response team comes quickly to help the sprinkler system, the fire can easily consume the building. Calling 911 should be the first thing you do after exiting the building.

Did You Think About Water Damage?

After the fire, the reality of what transpired inside becomes clear. Apart from the fire damage, there is soot damage, water damage, and visible smoke damage. The fire hose pressure can destroy contents and walls, too.

This devastating scene can only be properly rectified by professionals who are familiar with commercial fire damage restoration.

Professionals Know What To Do

Hiring professionals for fire restoration gives peace of mind. Professional commercial fire damage services like SERVPRO® take a record of the items destroyed and remaining. SERVPRO of South Orlando repairs and cleans content that can be salvaged. They wrap and store those items and appropriately dispose of the rest. They also find out where data backups could be salvaged, such as the computer hard drives. 

The soot damage, water damage, and smoke damage are some of the things that must be cleaned fastest to restore the interior. Soot damage is cleaned using a dry brush. Water is drained and vacuumed from the rooms. This drying prevents mold from growing. The smoke is pulled from upholstery and other areas that could have absorbed odor. After the main cleaning is done and our construction team has rebuilt any remaining damage, items that underwent repair are brought back. 

We are Here to Help® when you need us. When fire and water take control of your life, we help you take it back.

Storm Restoration Experts Know How to Dry Your Property

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of South Orlando are Leaders in the Storm Restoration Industry for a Reason

Harsh weather conditions like flooding, wind, and storms cause devastating damage to homes and businesses. Property damage due to storm damage and flood water overwhelms many with concerns for personal safety and properties' security.

When this form of damage occurs to your home or business, the first step is to find safety, then contact a trustworthy storm damage restoration company.

An immediate restoration response reduces the extent of damage done to a property. Since roof damage is likely to be accompanied by water damage—a gaping hole is a recipe for moisture and storm water to make itself at home—a quick emergency response reduces the risk for internal and structural water damage and microbial growth.

When contacted, storm restoration experts will analyze the level of damage and make a judgment regarding how to begin. Professionals' main priority is to secure property before cleanup, repair, and restoration. Once a property's debris is removed from the exterior and roof repair is completed, experts move to drying and the internal cleanup of furniture, carpets, clothes, and other items. 

The Drying Process of SERVPRO of South Orlando

Oozing groundwater, especially in places prone to flooding, could cause damage, especially if no flood pump has been previously installed. SERVPRO of South Orlando has a thorough drying process.

First, our team sets up industrial-strength drying equipment such as air movers and HEPA filtered dehumidifiers. Special care is taken to thoroughly dry the area around the original leak or cavity.

If water has seeped to the surrounding areas, special drying equipment is used. It can take 3-5 days for traditional drying. However, hard-to-dry materials, such as wood floors and crawlspaces, can make the process longer.

After the property is dry, the restoration of any damaged materials can start. Restoration is the most time-consuming part, but is very important and the bulk of returning the property to its preloss condition. We strive to make a property look, “Like it never even happened.”

For additional information regarding storm damage, visit our service page or blog. We are available 24 hours for emergency response. Call us at (407) 985-3200.

SERVPRO of South Orlando Introduces Employee Volunteer Time Off

4/22/2022 (Permalink)

3 polaroids of SERVPRO employees using their volunteer time off, on a green background In support of our core values and a healthy work-life balance, SERVPRO of South Orlando rolled out a Volunteer Time Off.

Introducing Volunteer Time Off

SERVPRO of South Orlando is uniquely positioned to help people during and after disasters with our immediate response to fire, water, storm, and smoke damage. Our company culture of helping others is not just confined to the workplace, but extended into our daily lives.

Healthy Work-Life Balance

In support of our core values and a healthy work-life balance, SERVPRO of South Orlando rolled out a Volunteer Time Off (VTO) policy that allows all full-time employees to take up to 16 hours of paid leave to complete volunteer work of their choosing each year.

Employees are already enthusiastically using this time in a way that supports their personal values. This policy gives employees a greater capacity to donate time and energy to causes near to their hearts and have a direct impact on their communities.

The goal is to aid local organizations in a tangible way while fostering stronger, more meaningful community connections in all six SERVPRO Team Nicholson locations. This includes Clarksville and Memphis in Tennessee; St. Pete, Orlando, and Tampa in Florida; and Fort Worth in Texas.

With about 160 full-time employees in six locations across three states, Tennessee, Texas, and Florida, if each eligible worker uses their 16 hours of VTO each year, SERVPRO Team Nicholson will contribute around 2,500 work hours to local charities.

Protect Your Business from Flood Damage

4/10/2022 (Permalink)

green emergency evacuation plan graphic, SERVPRO logo Have a storm plan in case of an emergency!

Protect Your Business from Water Damage

Any building has the potential for flood damage. Even properties nowhere near water can incur damage from toilets overflowing, pipes bursting, roof leaks or intense rains. To avoid having to put your business on hold for massive flood cleanup, follow these tips to protect your building from significant damage.

Inspect Building Before Bad Weather

While sticking to a seasonal inspection schedule is recommended, if the forecast indicates that a strong storm is approaching, it makes sense to inspect it again. Look for cracks and leaks in exterior walls, foundation, and roof. If you find any, contact storm damage experts for repairs that can be done before the storm hits. 

Clean Drainage

Giving excess water a place to go is vital to keeping it out of the cracks and crevices of your roof and walls. Clean gutters and downspouts of debris, particularly during storm season. Directing the downpour away from the roof and foundation of your building can help prevent seeping flood damage. 

Test Sump Pump

If your building has low-lying ground that holds water after rain, a sump pump is beneficial to pump out the extra water—but only if it is working properly. These pumps are designed to get rid of water as soon as sensors are triggered. Regular testing, particularly before a major storm hits, is advisable.

Have an Emergency Plan

An emergency plan can help everyone understand clearly what they are supposed to do in any case of damage. Make sure it is up to date and that all employees have access to the latest version. Assign tasks that designate what each person needs to do in the event of a flood emergency. SERVPRO of South Orlando creates emergency plans for businesses, call us today at (407) 985-3200 to find out how you can protect your business and make it as flood-resistant as possible.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of South Orlando is close by and ready to respond to your cleaning or restoration needs. We are proud to be an active member of the Orlando, FL community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

We are proud to serve our local communities:

Orlando, FL

Conway, FL

Pine Castle, FL

Wadeview Park, FL

Belle Isle, FL

Sky Lake, FL

Holden Heights, FL

Edgewood, FL

Barber Park, FL

Understanding: What is Black Water?

4/1/2022 (Permalink)

black colored water image with and orange box overlayed with words "commercial black water", servpro logo at bottom If your commercial building has a water emergency, call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (470) 895-3200.

Your South Orlando commercial building can be affected by flooding from several sources. Water damage can include warped flooring and moldy drywall, but one immediate issue caused by flooding is the influx of contaminated water. If your business has recently been damaged by flooding, we can help you understand how this type of water can cause long-term damage and what you can do to mitigate it

1. It Can Contain Dangerous Chemicals 

Environmental experts often call contaminated water that stems from flooding Category 3 or "blackwater." This means the water did not come from a sterile source and may contain various hazardous components, including harsh sewer and lawn chemicals that entered the water during flooding. These chemicals can make the water dangerous to touch, so calling in flood damage and cleanup service is the safest way to remove it. 

2. It May Make You Sick 

Category 3 water damage can be dangerous in more than one way. For example, standing black water can grow microbes that may cause a variety of illnesses. Urine and feces may also be present, even if they're not immediately visible. It's wise to avoid this type of water entirely and wait for professional cleanup services to arrive. 

3. Acting Quickly Can Be Essential 

Because contaminated water can become more dangerous the longer it sits, it is good to call in a cleanup crew right away. This can be important even if you believe the worst of the damage has already been done. Having the water removed may reduce the chances of long-term issues with your building's affected floors and walls and prevent mold growth, which can be challenging to treat once it grows. 

If your commercial building has a water emergency, call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (470) 895-3200.

Why is My Smoke Alarm Beeping?

3/27/2022 (Permalink)

In addition to potentially causing significant fire damage, flames and smoke can endanger the lives of everyone inside your home. A properly functioning fire alarm can alert you to danger and help save lives. For this reason, every household should have this lifesaving device.

Sometimes, however, a smoke detector may act sporadically, chirping loudly or going off despite the absence of smoke. Often, there is a simple explanation for this erratic and—let’s be real, annoying!—behavior.

Why Is My Smoke Alarm So Annoying?

Weak Battery

Batteries have a limited lifespan. A chirping alarm may indicate that your device needs a new battery.

Improperly Installed Battery

A loose battery or terminal obstruction may cause your fire alarm to chirp intermittently. Use the self-check button on your smoke alarm to ensure the battery works after installing.

Dirty Sensing Chamber

Dust and dirt can sometimes obstruct the sensing chamber, resulting in a false alert. To help prevent this problem, you should routinely wipe your detectors with a dusting cloth.

Interference From Steam

Steam can also interfere with your detector’s sensing capability. This may be a particularly challenging problem for units located near bathrooms. To help reduce the likelihood of an inadvertent alert, close the bathroom door while showering and turn on the fan.

Interrupted Power Supply

An interrupted power supply may also cause erroneous beeping. You should examine each detector’s wiring for loose connections. If you notice lights dimming spontaneously, especially when an appliance is in use, contact a licensed electrician to help you inspect your home’s wiring.

End of Lifespan

Did you know your smoke detector can essentially expire? The average lifespan for most smoke detectors is 8 – 10 years. After this period, the unit’s sensing capacity may diminish, reducing its effectiveness. If an older device is chirping, it may be time to replace it with a new one.

A fire alarm may not spare your home from a destructive fire or smoke damage, but this valuable safety device may one day save your life. To help safeguard your well-being, you should promptly investigate a chirping detector and replace batteries, or the entire unit, as needed.

Call SERVPRO of South Orlando if you have smoke or fire damage, (407) 985-3200.

Microbial Growth Removal in Crawl Space

3/20/2022 (Permalink)

Microbial Growth Removal in Crawl Space

Microbial damage is likely to develop in a crawl space when the area becomes wet. When a professional technician performs an inspection in a crawl space, we check for visible water leaks and invisible moisture particles in the air. We do this because it is unproductive to disinfect molds without addressing its primary cause—the mold is sure to come back if the source of moisture is still hanging around. 

Why Might a Home’s Crawl Space Have Mold?

If your home's crawl space has grading and drainage issues, mold can develop where the water collects under the house. Our SERVPRO technicians use pumps to extract water if it pools. If moisture is evaporating into the crawl space from the surrounding walls and the ground, we isolate the area. To isolate the area, we use a space liner to encapsulate the area. This enclosure acts as a vapor barrier and works well to prevent microbial growth when paired with a permanent dehumidifier in the crawl space. 

Basic science demonstrates that differences in temperature between surfaces and water particles cause condensation. The same is true for your crawl space. If the surrounding areas and the crawl space have differing temperatures, the water vapor condenses. We usually resolve condensation issues by using or installing a dehumidifier. The device assists in monitoring and controlling humidity to discourage conditions favorable to microbial growth. 

What If the Microbial Growth is Deep in the Insulation?

A professional in the microbial remediation industry will be able to examine the crawl space for signs of deeper mold infestation. However, it is not always easy to see. Sometimes, portions of enclosed spaces must be cut to see if microbial growth has infested your home’s insulation. When a professional certifies there is growth, then further microbial removal services can begin. SERVPRO of South Orlando has the tools and knowledge to remove and dispose of damaged insulation safely.

Not everything can be restored, but, as surprising as it sounds, it is possible to restore fiberglass insulation! It's also possible to remove surface mold, called mildew, from below supporting joists and beams and other hard surfaces. We also remove surface mold from porous items such as drywall—as long as the fungus has not penetrated too deeply with anchoring hyphae. 

SERVPRO of South Orlando uses industry-proven techniques to protect your property from further damage after facing any size disaster. You can access our 24-hour emergency services by calling (407) 985-3200.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

3/19/2022 (Permalink)

men in hazmat suits walking into a commercial building, photo taken from above, SERVPRO logo Do you need proactive cleaning of your commercial property? Call SERVPRO of South Orlando today at 407-985-3200.

SERVPRO is Here to Help®

During unprecedented times caused by the global pandemic, our customers reminded our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services. We adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

Years of Experience and Training

SERVPRO of South Orlando is prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of a regular janitorial staff.

The CDC encourages cleaning high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and tables.

Commercial Cleaning Checklist:

  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevators
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment
  • Specialized Products

A helpful tip that we use when cleaning is to mentally walk through an environment—if a person would touch it in any way—we clean it. This is especially helpful when determining the precise part of an object to clean. When cleaning a door, for example, the most important parts to clean are the handles, but also the flat surfaces right above the handles. People often push open doors on their flat surfaces, not just where handles are present.

The CDC recommends the usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. Some of our product line is available on Amazon.

Do you need proactive cleaning of your commercial property? Call SERVPRO of South Orlando today at 407-985-3200.

SERVPRO of South Orlando Gets Rid of Mold

1/13/2022 (Permalink)

In as little as 48 hours, mold can quickly become a problem in your home or business when there’s a water intrusion, like a roof leak or leaking water line. If you have a mold problem in your home or business, your primary focus should be safety.

Make sure you stay out of affected areas and turn off the HVAC system and fans. Then contact SERVPRO of South Orlando for mold remediation services.

Remember, significant mold growth can occur in as little as 48-72 hours. You might notice a strong, musty odor; this may indicate hidden mold behind drywall or under carpeting; mold isn’t always visible, but the odor can help identify it. Mold can cause health effects.

If you suspect mold growth in your home or business, give SERVPRO of South Orlando a call at (407) 895-3200.

Why Smoke Detectors are Important

1/13/2022 (Permalink)

We learned fire safety throughout elementary and middle school and what to do when you hear a smoke detector. However, have you forgotten to change out the batteries? Or maybe you turned off your smoke detector because everything you cook sets off the alarm?

Individuals should think twice before taking out the batteries. Why? According to The National Fire Protection Association, 3 out of 5 homes without a smoke alarm experience deaths. Let smoke detectors help your family!

So, be sure to check your smoke detectors once a year, replace the batteries, and make sure each smoke detector is working in your home – they save lives, after all! For additional fire safety tips, visit The National Fire Protection Association.

If you experience fire damage in your property, call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (727) 341-1001!

3 Ways FEMA Can Save the Day

1/4/2022 (Permalink)

While individuals struggle to pick up the pieces after recent natural disasters, those unaffected might wonder how communities recover from these crises. Although a thunderstorm might not sweep across a neighborhood with the force that could flatten buildings, an average storm can bring a significant amount of flooding. Below are three ways the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can help during such difficult times.

  1. Financial Support

FEMA steps in when a natural disaster takes over. After a governor confirms a state of emergency, FEMA formulates a method to respond to the crisis effectively. The organization can also work with the states to form funding before an expected storm.

  1. Organization

When a flood strikes, it can seem as if a catastrophe has suddenly affected life in general. Since FEMA works at the state level, victims may check whether their specific area can receive support. Through a straightforward system, they may then apply for disaster assistance. Even if you have insurance, connecting with all programs before moving forward might be a wise step.

  1. Promptness Matters

Despite the differences in each situation, FEMA can respond to disasters that prioritize victims first. When you register, an inspector specializing in disasters generally visits within a week. From there, the agency can work with homeowners to determine the right assistance plan. To ensure speedy support, victims may also need to work with the agency to specify damages.

No matter the extent of the damage, discovering that your home has become the setting for a flood can be shocking, challenging, and stressful. However, this is the point at which FEMA can step in to help you get your space – and subsequently, your life – back on track.

Storm Damage Restoration 

Once the storm has passed and those affected start to rebuild, SERVPRO of South Orlando is here to help make it “Like it never even happened.” Our team of highly trained restoration specialists is trained in storm and water damage restoration. We can respond to emergency situations 24/7 and work with your insurance company to take added stress off of you. Call us anytime at (407) 985-3200.

New Year Cleaning and Decluttering For a Fresh Start

1/3/2022 (Permalink)

the words "Start Fresh" in orange in front of a gray background, servpro logo, cleaning supplies in foreground Regularly scheduled home-maintenance and cleaning can curb hazardous, pricey problems in the future like fires and mold growth.

Regularly scheduled home-maintenance and cleaning can curb hazardous, pricey problems in the future like fires and mold growth. Since we are entering the new year, decluttering is a great way to improve the usability of your space—so you can freely undertake your big plans for the year.

More than a tidy environment

One of the easiest ways to declutter your mind is to declutter your home. If untidy environments are stressing you out, we suggest starting small. Pick up the general items around your most used spaces. Wash the dishes, fold the laundry, and make the beds. After the basics are cleaned, tackle the details. 

Deep clean the kitchen:

  • Check for expiration and toss old food and condiments
  • Wipe out refrigerator drawers, cabinets, the microwave, and oven
  • Get rid of cupboard items you don’t use
  • Empty the junk drawer

Main area cleaning:

  • Dust ceiling fan blades
  • Wash baseboards and walls—especially if you have children!
  • Vacuum underneath furniture


  • Wash curtains and linens
  • Rotate and flip mattress
  • Turn all hangers backwards, then when you wear an item, replace the hanger normally—this indicates which items you wear. Toss or donate backwards hanging items after 1 year.


  • Scrub the bathtub walls and don’t forget the shower head
  • Use a drain snake tool or drain liquid to break up stuck hair and scum in sinks and shower

Holiday Purge:

  • For every gift received, get rid of one item
  • Sell or donate decor you didn’t use this season

More technical:

  • Replace air filters every 3 months
  • Check and replace smoke alarm batteries

If you need more in-depth mold, fire, or water damage cleaning, SERVPRO of South Orlando is Here To Help®. We understand not every clean up is quick, easy, or preventable. To inquire about our services, call us today at (407) 985-3200.

What is SERVPRO’s Cleaning Process for a Commercial Large Loss?

12/22/2021 (Permalink)

Two SERVPRO of South Orlando crew in orange vests walking into a school next to a big, green desiccant dehumidifier SERVPRO of South Orlando crews are ready to clean after a commercial large loss. We can handle large restoration jobs in South Orlando, FL.

SERVPRO Cleaning Process After Catastrophic Commercial Emergencies

From 1980 to 2020, on average, the U.S. endured 7 severe climate events per year. Throughout the past year, that number has more than doubled, according to the National Centers for Environmental Information. Although statistics help describe the destruction brought on by natural disasters, no measurement can quantify the loss and trauma to individuals, families, and communities. The struggle of those involved as they work to rebuild a sense of normalcy is often not seen.

SERVPRO of South Orlando is proud to assist by offering Commercial Large Loss and Disaster Recovery services after any catastrophic emergency in the United States. With the resources of 17 SERVPRO franchise licenses in 6 locations throughout 3 southern states, we are well-positioned to respond to any disaster.

Our flexible, efficient team can tackle damage at private businesses, hospitals, schools, government facilities, and more. SERVPRO of South Orlando professionals are highly trained in fire, storm, and water damage mitigation. When mitigating damage on a large scale, our team uses the following framework:

Control the Environment

Commercial-sized desiccant dehumidifiers remove water from the air and dense materials while increasing the air temperature, further drying the structure, and helping to better control the environment.

Remove Contaminated Material 

To ensure a safe and efficient clean-up, SERVPRO of South Orlando crews will remove contaminated material and items that are beyond repair and remove restorable items for off-site cleaning. 

Dry the Structure

Various sized air movers and dehumidifiers are strategically placed throughout the structure to accelerate the drying process. 

Our crews can be ready at a moment’s notice, deploying cutting-edge drying equipment and service vehicles that feature truck-mounted water extractors that operate even without electricity. Response time is critical for communities to get up and running again. When disaster strikes, we are ready to answer the call and make it “Like it never even happened.” 

Fire Prevention, Protect your Home and Family

12/16/2021 (Permalink)

You protect your family by locking doors at night, monitoring who they spend time with and where they are going. It’s important to add fire preparation to your safety regimen. As a homeowner, the thought of a fire breaking out in your house is a nightmare scenario. Your family’s safety is at risk, and you could lose precious possessions and your home itself. The preparation steps below will reduce the risk of fire and potentially save a life. 

Maintain Smoke Alarms

All homes should have smoke alarms to alert you to fire danger. One or two devices are not enough. Your home should have one in every bedroom and an additional alarm per floor. Maintain your smoke alarms to ensure they are effective.

  • Test your smoke alarm once a month.
  • Change the batteries in your smoke alarm at least once a year.
  • Never disconnect your smoke alarm.

Keep an Eye on the Dryer

Of all your appliances, your dryer is perhaps the most significant potential culprit for starting a fire. Check the filter and remove lint buildup after every load. We also recommend inspecting the outside vent and the hose leading from the dryer to the vent for proper ventilation.

Watch the Outlets

Being aware of electrical problems is an important fire precaution. Never overload your outlets with cords. Also, be mindful when you use power strips, especially with computers and TVs.

Be Careful When You Cook

Fire prevention starts in the kitchen, where there are many different heat sources. Make sure your oven is clean and functioning correctly. Also, never leave food on the stove unattended.

You can have peace of mind when you follow these fire prevention guidelines. If you need further direction, contact SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200.

How can SERVPRO of South Orlando Help with Hazardous Waste?

12/15/2021 (Permalink)

cleaners outside in white full body suits cleaning up hazardous waste near me in south orlando SERVPRO of South Orlando is here for you 24/7, 7 days a week at (407) 985-3200.

SERVPRO of South Orlando Helps with Hazardous Waste

Although SERVPRO of South Orlando is well-known for fire and water restoration, you may not know that we offer hazardous waste disposal. Our highly-trained professionals can help you or your business with biohazard, vandalism, and crime scene cleanup. We specialize in removing and cleaning common hazardous wastes such as bloodborne pathogens, sewage backups, illegal drugs, hoarding situations, crime scene residues, and more. We are trained to safely decontaminate these situations in accordance with OSHA and CDC regulations. Our sanitizing agents, antimicrobial treatments, thermal foggers, and deodorization agents help us make your property “Like it never even happened.” 

When you experience a biohazard concern or have hazardous waste on your property, leave the responsibility of hard cleanup to us. Bloodborne pathogens, bodily fluids, and other contaminated waste can put you at risk. Follow these steps after contamination. 

  • Call SERVPRO of South Orlando  immediately at (407) 985-3200
    for biohazard cleanup. 
  • Stay out of infected areas. 
  • Call first responders if the situation is life-threatening. 
  • Treat all areas and/or bodily fluids as if they are contaminated. 
  • Turn off the HVAC system if there is sewage damage. 

Don’t wait to call us when you have a biohazard emergency. These situations can leave home and business owners feeling vulnerable, violated, and unsafe. SERVPRO of South Orlando is here for you 24/7, 7 days a week at (407) 985-3200.

Career Opportunities at SERVPRO

7/21/2021 (Permalink)

Interested in being a part of the SERVPRO family? Apply today! Image of cell phone. Interested in being a part of the SERVPRO family? Apply today!

With 17 franchises in 6 locations throughout TN, FL, and TX, SERVPRO Team Nicholson is an exciting, diverse, innovative place to work. We foster positive company culture, offer competitive compensation packages, and prioritize community involvement. Come find out what it takes to be a part of our team! 

Our mission is to be a proud, laser-focused team holding each other accountable while creating positive opportunities for our people and becoming the most efficiently run organization in the markets we serve. We value honesty, reliability, relationships, trustworthiness, and authenticity! Our team develops and provides solutions; we are go-getters and carry a “bring it” attitude to our work environment. We listen and value each other’s thoughts and ideas and strive to bring them to life. We are built on hard work, transparency, good business, and integrity. We believe “You can’t go wrong doing the right thing.” 

Bill Repsel, our Regional Administrator, shared his testimony on what it's like working for SERVPRO. He said "Every day is a new day. It is an opportunity to serve others in our community in a time of need. We have an incredible team of people with great talent that strives to make a difference every day." 

SERVPRO of South Orlando is proud of the work we do and is always looking for like-minded people interested in a rewarding career. Please submit your resume to recruiting@SERVPROclarksville.com, stop by our office at 2120 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Suite B, Orlando, FL from 8:00 am-5:00 pm Monday-Friday or click here to check out our current job openings.

Water Removal is a Process in South Orlando

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of South Orlando is ready to serve you! SERVPRO of South Orlando is ready to serve you!

SERVPRO Arrives with Water Detection and Water Removal Equipment

Natural flood, pipe leaks, sewer backup, washer overflow, toilet problems, and pump failure can wreak water havoc to your home in South Orlando. You may feel like you have lost all control of your home, and it can only get worse if you hire a company that rips and tears your walls, furniture, carpet, and other personal belongings out of its place. This process can leave you clutching your chest in agony as well as a hole in your wallet.

Water removal in South Orlando is not an easy task. Homeowners often try to clean the water problems without consulting the experts, causing more damage and problems. Some components are involved in water damage restoration. It's not something that a beginner should consider tackling. You would need to replace everything that was involved in the water damage immediately. If you ignore this process, then mold, mildew, fungus, and bacteria can grow in your house. Hiring a water restoration company is a smart decision because they have all the necessary tools to take out extra water to prevent further damage. Plus, a thorough cleaning and drying process would require experienced water damage restoration services.

SERVPRO technician would contact you to arrange a service within one hour of notice that water damage has occurred. Within four hours, uniformed, trained techs would be on-site to start the mitigation service, a fast-acting method of extracting water out of the area. These technicians would use advanced technology such as moisture sensors, moisture meters, and Thermohygrometers to detect moisture in the air. This equipment helps them determine the best drying process that would get the job done.

SERVPRO has other high-tech equipment such as extractors to help remove water from carpets and other flooring material. Air movers would enhance evaporation to reduce drying time. Dehumidifiers would extract water vapor from the air. After removing all the water, they would use deodorizer equipment such as thermal foggers to neutralize any odor caused by the water damage. Afterward, these technicians would perform a thorough walk-through with you to ensure that you are delighted with the service.

With SERVPRO of South Orlando, you can expect reliable and excellent customer services and experts to get the job done. Call (919) 790-1222 to set up an appointment to speak with our skilled and experienced technicians.

Never Get Stressed When Your South Orlando Property Experiences Mold Damage

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Can Inspect and Plan a Mold Remediation Solution for Your South Orlando Home

Once we determine your building is safe to enter during mold damage, remediation, moisture, and visual mold assessment follow. When we assess the site, we lookout for mold growth signs, water damage, standing water, and talk to the property owner. We check behind the wallpaper, insulation, carpet backing, and wallboard. Evaluation of attics and crawl spaces in your South Orlando property is essential during the inspection. 

If your South Orlando home's walls or surfaces have stains or some discoloration, there are chances that mold damage is present. Visible fuzzy growths on surfaces and earthy odors can also support that possibility. Surfaces whose moisture content is around 20% and over are vulnerable to mold growth and possible decomposition when the area is made of wood or cellulose composite. We use moisture meters when determining the material's moisture content.  

By looking at the level of contamination, our SERVPRO technicians are in a position to choose suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The four primary levels of mold contamination are level 1 (covering 10 square feet or less), level 2 (over 10 - 30 square feet), level 3 (over 30 - 100 square feet), and level 4 (exceed 100 square feet). Some of the PPE that we use include work boots, goggles, disposable overalls, earplugs, and N95–Disposable Respirators. When working in extensively contaminated areas, OSHA recommends full-face or half-face respirators with P, N, or R100 cartridges. 

It is not possible to salvage porous items with visible mold in some cases, which means they should be discarded. Items that fall under that category are some drywall surfaces, textiles, upholstery, carpet padding, clothing, books, papers, and rugs. We place materials for disposal in plastic trash bags to reduce the potential for mold exposure and cross-contamination.  

SERVPRO of South Orlando has been in the cleaning and restoration industry for a long time and uses advanced equipment and technology to do the work. Call us at (407) 985-3200 to discover the several options we use to restore properties after a mishap or disaster.

5 Easy Solutions to Water Damage Mitigation in South Orlando

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

5 Situations Where In-Place Drying is Inappropriate for South Orlando Homeowners

Water removal and restoration is an extensive process. To clean, dry, and restore your home to pre-water damage conditions, experts use advanced technology. There comes a time when in-place drying seems like the best choice. Well, there're situations where it's inappropriate.

Black or Gray Water Damage

Blackwater contains unsanitary agents, harmful fungi, and bacteria. As water removal experts in South Orlando, we always warn homeowners not to contact Blackwater. Doing so can result in sickness. Classified as Category 3, sources include sewage, standing water, and rising water from rivers. Gray Water is Category 2 water and contains contaminants too. This water can also cause illness if exposed to it. Often this water originated as clean, potable water but absorbed undesirable and contaminated elements from the environment. Is your home flooded with Gray or Blackwater? Then in-place drying is not recommended.

Presence of Sensitive Items

Have damaged electronics, papers, books, and even artwork with water? Top-down drying is not recommended. In-place drying calls for the removal of water without moving anything out of your home. Since sensitive items cannot be dried in place, this method is inappropriate. We can offer lyophilization where we freeze-dry papers and documents. Under a vacuuming process, draw the sublimated moisture directed from the frozen state to the gaseous phase. This will eliminate the wetness effect of liquid. It just takes the right equipment operated by a skilled SERVPRO technician.

Evidence of Structural Damage

If water removal experts detect structural damage to your subflooring, they cannot proceed unless the support can hold the equipment's weight. Typically, if it cannot, a controlled demolition can stymie the water damage from continuing unabated.

Evidence of Mold Growth

If flooding has lasted for more than 72 hours in your home, mold growth may have already started. In this case, in-place drying cannot be used. Using this method can spread the spores to other rooms. Exposure may cause your family to health effects.

Non-Porous Pad

During top-down drying, your carpet is never rolled back. This is the same as the pad. SERVPRO of South Orlando water removal experts uses air movers, dehumidifiers, and water extraction equipment to dry your pad. If it has a non-porous layer, the carpet can trap water underneath. The trapped water makes the water extraction process more complicated. Floating a carpet can be an option as we strive to restore and not replaced materials after a water loss.

SERVPRO of South Orlando is a leader in the water removal and restoration industry. As experts, we provide 24-hour emergency service to help minimize the damage to your home. Call (407) 985-3200 today.

SERVPRO Can Help You Cope After a Flood Causes Damages to Your South Orlando Home

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Coping With the Effects of Flood Damage in South Orlando

Floods can happen any time there is a torrential downpour. Because of paving and other infrastructure in a city setting, the ground barely absorbs the rainwater, leaving a significant percentage to flow freely. Constraints or blockages in the drainage systems can redirect the water to properties, damaging them. We offer cleanup and restoration services that can help you cope with the damage that occurs in your South Orlando home.

When dealing with incidents of flood damage in South Orlando, you need to address several issues simultaneously. These might include removing mud or silt dumped by water, removing porous materials like carpets submerged by the floodwaters, and drying the structure, among other issues. IICRC certification means the SERVPRO crew that helps you restore your structure is trained to handle all these aspects, guaranteeing a positive outcome.

Since every flooding incident is unique, the planned response must also be unique. This is why an exhaustive inspection of the affected property is necessary. The homeowner shouldn't enter a flooded property to do such an inspection because of the risks involved. For example, if the power is still on, there is a risk of electrocution. Floodwaters are contaminated heavily with sewage and other hazardous chemicals. Our experienced SERVPRO technicians can handle such situations, so we take all necessary precautions, including turning the power off before venturing into the affected property. We also wear protective clothing such as boots, rubbers, gloves, and full-body suits, among others.

An inspection helps establish the level of damage determining the resources needed for the task. If there's mud and silt, tools like shovels are necessary for removal. If the water level is high, it may be necessary to tear down drywall and remove porous materials such as insulation. Our SERVPRO technicians perform a flood-cut 2 feet about the waterline allowing easy access to the wall cavity. Additionally, we use various moisture detection tools to determine how much water affects different materials. Other tools like thermal hygrometers help determine the humidity level in affected and unaffected areas around the property.

Floods can be very destructive, but with professional help, it is easier to cope. Call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200 to help. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster!

SERVPRO of South Orlando Talks About Inspecting Your Personal Belongings

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Fire Damage Experts and Your Home's Contents

Any time something burns on your South Orlando property, several issues can arise. A fire's flames and the heat they produce can spread quickly, burning anything in its way as fuel. In many cases, structural components that make up the building get severely burnt and charred to the point that removal is necessary. Aside from what burns, smoke coming from it can also ruin parts of your house.

Smoke leaves behind soot residues on surfaces inside your home and can cause foul aromas to linger. Every fire damage project in South Orlando typically involves removing ruined structural components and dealing with smoke-related issues. Before work begins, our SERVPRO professionals inspect the structure and figure out the job's overall scope.

When inspecting a damaged home for the first time, we assess the torched items first, then determine where smoke traveled inside the house. Once we decide on the affected rooms, our SERVPRO technicians then figure out the soot damage severity. We first inspect the parts of a building smoke usually affects, such as the ceiling and upper parts of walls, and come up with the best technique to clean the structural materials.

After our SERVPRO crew inspects your structure, we check your personal belongings for damages. The best way to tell if soils exist on an item is to use the contrast method. In many scenarios, we accomplish this by cleaning a spot of an object and comparing it to the dirty parts. Some of your contents, such as tables, possibly have unaffected areas covered by tablecloths or dinner mats. We correspond the exposed areas to the untouched sections to see where the smoke touched.

The next step of the inspection process is to clean a part of each affected item and see which chemicals work best for each material type. When formulating the project's scope, we record soiled items and the best methods to clean them.

Once we pinpoint every item in the home that got damaged, we'll estimate the time, equipment, and labor to complete the work. If you ever find your personal belongings covered in soils or residues after a blaze, call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200 24/7.

What the Colors of the Visible Mold in Your South Orlando Home Aren't Telling You About the Extent of the Infestation

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation in South Orlando's Residences Restores Control to Homeowners

Anyone of the hundreds of strains of microbes can end up causing homeowners in South Orlando problems. While several varieties always exist somewhere in your home, normal humidity levels keep microbes' growth at a standstill. 

Until microbes' growth begins to grow too rapidly, residents do not need to worry about mold remediation and cleanup in South Orlando. A small incident that seems inconsequential, such as a leaky toilet base or a small overflow at the kitchen sink, can provide enough water to microbes in the area. Once exposed to moisture, they quickly become active and soon spread out across the surface. It does not take long before they form spores in preparation for colonizing other areas of your home. 

SERVPRO technicians always arrive with the tools needed to get your home's microbial situation under control. We come prepared, ensuring that your home's situation gets assessed quickly and that the work progresses swiftly, from start to finish. Understanding the different aspects of mold, from how it can damage your home to the internationally accepted methods of eliminating that damage and the overgrowth that caused it, is crucial to successfully remediating your home. 

Restoring control of your home to you, "Like it never even happened," requires that we practice extensively and engage in different methods. No two homes are identical in either structure or circumstance, so knowing different methods for any particular situation gives us the upper hand over mold and mildew. We know that a crucial aspect of successful mold remediation is maintaining communication with our customers and ensuring that the homeowner understands effective measures that prevent microbes from reappearing. 

We not only provide information about what we are doing and why when we work inside your home, but we also give you the information needed so you can spot potential situations that might cause mold damage to redevelop later. From the start, when we eliminate the source of moisture feeding the mold, to the end, when we apply antimicrobial agents to help eliminate any traces of mold and keep it from regrowing, we are here to make your home healthy again.  

Call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200, so we can provide you with expert guidance and skilled mold remediation services. Please do not hesitate to call whenever you discover mold in your home.


An Effective Plan for Water Damage Remediation in South Orlando

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Why SERVPRO Offers Fast Response to South Orlando Pipe Flood Incidents

The same plumbing systems in your South Orlando property that help make life easy can cause considerable misery if a pipe bursts. Most people only associate plumbing systems with the kitchen or washroom, but flooding can happen in any section of your property since the pipes crisscross the entire property. If a pipe bursts in the ceiling, it can cause many problems. The spilling water affects everything from the ceiling, walls, and contents before it reaches the floor. Have a professional help deal with the water damages.

Each case of South Orlando pipe flooding is unique, and therefore any response plan mooted must adapt to the unique conditions faced. The main factors influencing the response include the origin of the spill, how long the property remains submerged, and the materials present in the affected area. Spills that originate from a higher level of the property, whether it is the ceiling or a bathroom on a higher floor, cause more damage. Our SERVPRO technicians inspect the affected areas and your insurance adjuster to determine salvage and the best remedial approach.

Fast extraction of water from the affected property usually forestalls many problems, including mold development and deterioration of materials due to excess moisture. Most homes are packed full of belongings like furniture, clothes, toys, and many others. What should be easy can take longer than usual; however, with our low-tech and high-tech resources to remove the water fast. Low-tech resources include mops, sponges, and buckets. High-tech gear includes wet-dry vacs, dehumidifiers, and air movers. The combination of these resources helps us multitask, thus achieving the water extraction goal faster.

Water spills are likely to necessitate clean-up even when the water involved is from a clean source. As the water affects different materials, dyes are likely to run, leading to stains. The water also sweeps any dirt and debris on its way, soiling carpets, upholstery, and other fabric materials. Our SERVPRO team includes WRT, Water Restoration Technicians, and CCT, Carpet Cleaning Technicians, who handle any necessary cleanup in your property.

For fast response in case of water damage, call SERVPRO of South Orlando to help. You can reach us at (407) 985-3200 at any time.

Proven Tips for Dealing With Flood Damage Issues in South Orlando

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Addressing Saturated Vinyl Flooring in Your South Orlando

Flooding can cause devastating effects throughout your South Orlando home, especially to elements like flooring materials. Many homeowners have sought the aesthetic appeal and functionality of vinyl flooring planks with renovations and even initial construction projects. While these simulate hardwood flooring, they can often get installed more cheaply and easily. Much like actual hardwood, these flooring materials require immediate attention when exposed to standing water, and that's where our trained IICRC-certified water restoration specialists can help.

Severe storms can produce vulnerabilities that allow flood damage to occur in your South Orlando home. While many materials can become affected by the spreading water, your flooring is often a point of collection for this water flow, pooling over this material and beginning to saturate it immediately. A fast response can often prevent the need for removing the material and replacing it, which requires quick reaction times from the homeowner to reach out to our SERVPRO professionals to get us there.

Once our team arrives, we'll work to begin our effective mitigation tactics. Extraction is a critical component of this process, as it reduces the volume of water to continually affect the flooring. We have portable sump pumps, wet-vacs with extraction wands, and even gas-powered trash pumps for rapid removal of standing water. When the excess is removed, our team can begin work to dry out the damaged areas and have specialized equipment to start drying out saturated vinyl flooring.

Water can penetrate seams and cracks in the vinyl planks, mainly where the tongue and groove installation occurs. Our Injecti-dry system can address saturation into the subflooring, slowly drawing out moisture in a controlled fashion. We can consistently monitor moisture content to ensure that these planks do not become overly dried, which can also damage them.

Many materials and structural elements can become exposed to spreading floodwater. Our SERVPRO of South Orlando team can work on drying out saturated materials and reduce the need for tear-out and reconstruction when possible. Call 24/7 at (407) 985-3200.

Best Way to Remove Smoke and Soot Damage From Your South Orlando Home

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Solves Many Forms of Fire Damage in Orlando Homes

After the fire, there're fire damage levels to address even in a home blaze that would qualify as a small scale. The key to lessening the secondary damage from smoke, soot, and water (used to extinguish the fire) is to begin the cleaning and restore the property as quickly as possible.

When SERVPRO arrives to remediate fire damage to South Orlando properties, our technician teams do several things at once to make the cleanup efforts go faster. We use containment when the fire is local to only a specific area in the home. Our technicians set up barriers to control the spread of odor-causing soot particles naked to the human eye. At the same time, other technicians take moisture measurements and determine the best course for drying with positioned air movers and humidifiers for fast results.

Once the affected areas are ready to dry using moisture probes, SERVPRO technicians determine smoke and soot residue that needs cleaning from surfaces and restorable objects using wet and dry sponges to remove all fire traces and odor. Our certified Odor Control Technicians (OCTs) determine how much the odor has spread throughout the home and affected building materials, fabrics, and porous items. We often use multiple methods to completely eradicate odor left behind by home fires, such as HEPA-filtered air scrubbers with charcoal filters. We also follow up with a thermal fogging application to neutralize odors in carpeting, fabrics, and other porous items that may be holding stubborn odors from the fire. The solvent-based fog travels in the same manner as smoke and effectively overtakes and eliminates deeply seated odors.

We know cleanup needs to start as soon as possible for the best outcome from fire damage. Contact SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200 and talk to one of our certified technicians; we are available 24/7 to assist you.

Steps to Take After Fire Damage Disaster Happens

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

What to Tackle First When There's Fire Damage to Your South Orlando Home

Disaster can strike at any time, leaving our families amid debris and at a loss for answers. In Florida, we tend to get an advanced warning when hurricanes, winds, or storms threaten our homes, but we rarely think that fire could also affect us. As homeowners, we need to quickly connect with the best in the industry to help us remediate fire damage and salvage as much as we can.

SERVPRO is the answer to your needs. When there's fire damage to your Orlando property, we help mitigate the devastation and work with you to protect the structure and contents of your home. Our team is on call around the clock and ready to apply its skills and experience to help you. SERVPRO technicians are IICRC certified to restore your home after affected by fire and smoke. We're your greatest ally in bringing your property back to pre-damage condition through our training and the availability of specialized equipment and technology.

There's much to worry about after a fire strikes your home. Your family's immediate safety and lodging are our top priority, followed by the physical integrity of your home and everything you had in it. Our team can make an assessment and work with relevant parties to determine which parts of your home are compromised if any. Simultaneously, we explore your belongings to salvage as much as we can. In the process, we utilize solutions specific to each surface to eliminate traces of smoke and soot.

Very often, the smell of smoke is the last priority but an overwhelming nuisance. Our deodorizing process includes different methods for neutralizing the odor and improving air quality in your home. For this, we may use air scrubbers, ozone generators, and even thermal foggers to erase the smell from furniture and other materials inside the home.

Do not feel alone when disaster strikes. Call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200 and allow us to help you leave your home "Like it never even happened."

How to Navigate Storm Damage Remediation in South Orlando

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Can Remediate the Flood Damage Inside of Your South Orlando Home

Seasonal storms can bring more than just rain to your Florida home during a severe downpour; they can also bring flood damage. For example, the entryway and living/dining room flooded with water when the storm's intense winds forced the door to fly open. The hardwood flooring and the walls' base were all submerged ankle-deep with water—additionally, various pieces of furniture throughout the impacted area. The best thing that you can do for your home upon finding flood damage is to call for help as soon as you can.

The sooner that professionals arrive to address the flood damage inside your South Orlando home, the more likely it is that the remediation can progress smoothly. Waiting too long can cause the hardwood flooring inside your home to bubble, crack, and split. The walls may begin to harbor mold colonies, and your furniture may significantly diminish in value or even end up ruined. Calling for help as soon as the damage happens can significantly reduce the chances of further damage developing inside your household.

SERVPRO understands how alarming and overwhelming sudden home damages can feel, and it is for that reason that we always strive to arrive swiftly at every job we tackle. On top of our speedy service, we pride ourselves on the advanced technology we use and our various IICRC-certifications. SERVPRO always aims to provide swift, effective, and friendly service to your home.

When our SERVPRO technicians arrive, we can begin by removing the standing water from your home with wet/dry vacuums. If the water was overly contaminated, to the point where it's considered black water, we could remove any carpets affected. We can remove any furniture that needs immediate and attentive care and take it to our facility.

After measuring how high up the water walls came, we can make flood cuts and remove the water-logged drywall. To prepare for drying, SERVPRO can begin to disinfect and clean the surrounding area before setting up devices like drying mats, dehumidifiers, and axial fans.

When a storm suddenly floods your home, never wait to get help. Get in touch with SERVPRO of South Orlando, call (407) 985-3200.

Mold Damage in Your South Orlando Household's Air Duct System

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Technicians Arrive with Detection Tools to Find Hidden Mold in Your Home

Circulating air in your house can be a very incredible convenience. For anyone that has lived in the times where you did not have air conditioning or central heating for your South Orlando home, you can appreciate the convenience even more. Even with the advancements in how these appliances run and operate when you are using them to their fullest abilities, there're some precautions and potential risks that you are taking that you might not know.

You likely didn't know that homes have dealt with mold damage in South Orlando tied explicitly to the operation of circulating air appliances like furnaces or air conditioners. You don't see this mold damage; however, your nose can pick up the scent of must typical of a growing colony. The problem is rooted in two sections. Firstly, not having your duct system adequately maintained and cleaned over years of use. Secondly, the result of condensation on the metal combined with organic material in the ducts' network. This allows mold colonies to grow.

Being common knowledge now, mold can cause health effects to those exposed to it. It indeed is not something you want to allow to circulate throughout your home freely. Our SERVPRO professionals become certified in mold remediation to the high standards of the IICRC. Trained in all types of mold and fungal growth, SERVPRO can provide the best (and safest) means of removal.

The first step is to stop the air circulation and work quickly to locate the colonies that grow within the duct system. Once located, our SERVPRO technicians find the best way to reach this affected area, whether through the removal of sections to gain access or through concentrated vacuuming. Since your nose found the problem in the first place, this odor needs removal. Typically, a fogger would be used for this process. This dense chemical compound overtakes and neutralizes the musty smell, leaving no scent behind at all.

Mold damage is something that you should take care of as soon as you encounter it. Our certified and experienced professionals at SERVPRO of South Orlando are available to help whenever you need us. All you have to do is give us a call anytime at 407) 985-3200.

Water Damage Disaster Occurs in South Orlando

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

If you need water removal in your Orlando property, contact SERVPRO of South Orlando. If you need water removal in your Orlando property, contact SERVPRO of South Orlando.

Taking Care of Water Removal

In a society reliant on electrical appliances, we tend to expect them to work without fail. However, water removal may prove necessary when a faulty washing machine hose gives way and covers your floor with water. It can be stressful to consider taking on a cleanup task on your own, as missed spots can easily lead to mold growth or structural damage.

When appliance failures result in needing water removal, SERVPRO of South Orlando has the tools necessary to clean, dry, and deodorize your home while preserving your possessions.

When water affects porous surfaces such as carpet, it's vital to thoroughly extract moisture that has been absorbed quickly to preserve carpet, padding, and the subflooring underneath. Suppose water from your laundry room has reached your carpet. In this case, we can use air movers and dehumidifiers both above and underneath flooring to address moisture absorbed by the carpet. Fast-drying, in conjunction with EPA-registered antimicrobial cleaner, is key to preserving your carpet and shielding it from potential mold growth.

SERVPRO of South Orlando can preserve hardwood affected by water. Drying mats with suction devices attached can be placed on the ground level to accelerate moisture evaporation. This process is often aided by plastic sheeting acting as a conduit for directing moist air out of your home. SERVPRO technicians often use a 6-millimeter thick plastic or poly sheeting that, when taped down, isolates moist air for easy collection. This drying method helps collect water from hardwood flooring and plywood subflooring. Additionally, it keeps dehumidifiers from being overwhelmed while they help dry other surfaces. In some cases, dehumidifiers may also be operating inside the plastic tenting to extract moisture.

If you need our services to clean up your disaster, call SERVPRO of South Orlando today (407) 985-3200.

Recovering From Residential Water Damage in South Orlando

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

Appliances Are Often the Culprits Causing Water Leaks

While many disasters can threaten your South Orlando home, perhaps one of the most typical of these potential issues is a water emergency. While this could include natural disasters and flash flooding situations, it often boils down to aging materials in your house. Additionally, homeowner errors are attributed to damages that require professional restoration.

Perhaps one of the most common issues that present water damage to your South Orlando residence would be large appliances like your water heater. While everyone is aware that appliances draw more power and cost you additional monthly utilities, they get too old. They're often disregarded. The components within them that keep tight seals for water are aging and degrading. Over time, small and seemingly insignificant leaks can turn disastrous, spewing high water volumes on the floor surrounding the appliance.

Once the water has successfully stopped from the valve attached to the appliance itself, a significant water emergency requires your immediate attention. The longer that water can seep into flooring and walls, the more damage that it ultimately causes these components as well as the structural integrity of your entire home.

While extraction might be necessary for the situation, our SERVPRO team assesses the full scope of the damage throughout both the immediate area and adjoining walls and floors. Areas not easily seen, SERVPRO uses thermal imagery to determine the farthest reaches of the water damage. Equipment like our drying mats can penetrate deep into floors to dry up the area. At the same time, our injection system can remove any moisture from inside of affected walls. For basic drying, a combination of wet vacs for spot extraction and air movers for moisture removal work to rid the area of the remaining water.

When you are battling older appliances, even the best of routine maintenance might not be enough. If your appliance decides to leave you a water emergency to fight, trust SERVPRO of South Orlando restoration specialists to help you clean up the mess. Call (407) 985-3200 today.

Different Types of Humidity Explained by Water Damage Experts

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

Whenever excessive moisture gets inside a building, the problems it causes are broken down into two categories. When water leaks from a pipe or an appliance, it can contact contents and building materials. Anything that happens due to direct contact with liquid water, such as the carpet's delamination, is considered primary damage. Once water gets inside a structure, it naturally raises humidity levels indoors when moisture from wet materials evaporates into the air. Elevated humidity levels can also cause building materials issues as water transfers from the air to not wet materials to reach equilibrium. When water vapor is the primary cause of the structural problems, they get classified as secondary damage.

Extraction procedures help reduce primary issues, and structural drying helps mitigate both types of problems. When our SERVPRO technicians deal with any water damage situation near South Orlando, we monitor relative and specific humidity. Controlling humidity levels in a structure help speed up structural drying times. Wet materials dry out faster if the humidity inside a building is kept as low as possible using air movers and dehumidifiers. Monitoring and strategic placement of these devices optimize drying times. When we keep humidity levels low, we also reduce water vapor in the air, causing fewer secondary issues.

Relative Humidity (RH) is a measure of how much water is in the air at any given temperature. RH is expressed as a percentage, so if the relative humidity is 100%, then the air is holding as much moisture as it can at that temperature. At this point, if not sooner, condensation can occur inside the building. "Raining" inside your home can only exacerbate the already water damaging effects. Air can hold more water at higher temperatures, so increasing the house's temperature will lower the relative humidity.

The temperature has such a significant effect on relative humidity; it's not always a good gauge of how much water exists in the air. Specific humidity is the actual amount of moisture in the air. When our SERVPRO technicians measure specific humidity, they count the actual grains of moisture in each pound of air. To find specific humidity, we measure relative humidity levels and the room's temperature. We then put these numbers in a psychrometric chart that gives us the grains per pound number.

Using a psychrometric chart can come in handy when rapidly drying structural components. If you ever need help with issues related to water or humidity, call SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200 24 hours a day.

Professional Mold Remediation in South Orlando Movie Theater

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Quickly Investigates and Remediates a Business Mold Infestation

Movie theaters are a common sight to see throughout the South Orlando area. An iconic date night activity available to people of all ages. Day after day, you might see people come in and out of business looking for entertainment. The last thing that a business owner needs is mold to shut the doors for an extended period while figuring out how to handle the situation.

Many business owners don't understand commercial mold damages they find in their South Orlando properties is that the creation of these colonies is relatively simple. All that omnipresent spores in the environment need to grow and thrive are moisture, warmer temperatures, and various organic material to seat the organism. Once these conditions are met, the business is continually at risk for developing mold and fungal growths.

Often finding the moisture source in the affected areas is sufficient for preventing the present risk, but the damage could have already occurred. The best way to identify the progression of mold in your business, whether there're clear signs of colonies or not, is to allow SERVPRO to conduct an inspection of the property to look for signs of fungal growth and to assess your risks of forming colonies.

Our experienced mold remediation specialists have several unique approaches to restoring the damage that mold can do to your business, and ones that do not have to keep your doors closed a moment longer than needed. The faster our SERVPRO technicians can get the problem under control in your movie theater, the sooner that your regular customers can get allowed back in for their silver screen fixations.

While it might not seem like mold growth is that pressing an issue from a business standpoint, mold may cause health effects for those exposed. This puts your staff in line for these potential effects and every person who comes to the theater. Trust our experienced remediation specialists at SERVPRO of South Orlando can help businesses in the area. Call today at (407) 985-3200.

Your Pine Castle Venue Requires Rapid Water Damage Cleanup

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

Water Damage Cleanup

Your South Orlando event venue is likely reaching the time of the year where it gets a steady booking schedule. Parties are coming in and out of the facility every day, leaving minimal time for the staff to clean the place and assess any potential problems. With such a wide variety of patrons and events, you never know what damage a group of people could cause unknowingly. For example, leaving faucets on in the facility bathrooms with the stoppers could lead water throughout the neighboring areas to this room.

With a packed schedule and people counting on your South Orlando venue, the last thing you need to contend with is water damage. Fortunately, you have professional restoration services that can respond quickly and get things back to how they should be as promptly as possible.

Our SERVPRO professionals can quickly assess the full scope of the damage and determine the tools and equipment necessary to restore it. In situations like this, clean up often involves the essential elements of wet-vacs with extraction wants, mops, and air movers to help dry out the floors. Unless this damage has been sitting there for several days, the bulk of the damage itself is just in the floors' widespread water.

Of course, our SERVPRO team implements equipment like infrared thermal imagery to identify moisture inside spaces that cannot get easily seen. This process allows us to see inside the wall cavities, below flooring, and above the ceiling, identifying threats out the line of sight. If found, various equipment gets used to ensure the area is thoroughly dry.

While your business lives by a strict schedule, you can rarely account for the inevitability of something going wrong. Fortunately, our SERVPRO of South Orlando professionals responds quickly to help clean up the mess and limit the time you are without your facility. Call 24/7 at (407) 985-3200.

Is Water Damage Being Stored in Your Orlando Crawlspace?

7/8/2021 (Permalink)

After long periods of heavy rainfall, you may discover excess water in the crawlspaces of your home. These areas can be challenging to restore by yourself for several reasons. Access points may be small, or the ground is dirt or mud resulting in grey or black water contamination issues. Also, ground settling may create uneven footings that could be dangerous and the presence of loose wiring and electrics. Using a professional to restore these areas ensures your safety and the long-term health of your property.

We have expert technicians available for the restoration of water damage in Orlando and the surrounding area. We also have a specific method for restoring crawlspaces that may have excess moisture resulting from slow leaks or heavy rainfall. The biggest challenge we face is finding a way to bring in specific equipment like dehumidifiers or extraction units. We may also need to temporarily remove insulation to gain proper access to the affected area.

Since crawlspaces are often narrow and enclosed, any water residing there's slow to evaporate naturally. SERVPRO can combat this by blocking off foundation vents and putting up drying tents to create a closed drying system. A closed drying system allows us to concentrate our efforts on a particular area of the crawlspace by establishing artificial airflow and dehumidification. We use a combination of rapid air-movers fitted with large flex hoses to evaporate moisture with desiccant dehumidifiers deployed to remove moisture from the air.

Throughout drying a crawlspace, SERVPRO monitors the relative humidity using thermal hygrometers and moisture content readings from insulation or structure. This measuring ensures that the restoration procedure is going as expected. It also provides the conditions inside your crawlspace do not promote mold growth, which can be exceptionally damaging throughout your home. We recommend homeowners install a vapor barrier after the restoration of a crawlspace, which can prevent plumbing rust as well as electrical shorts. As soon as you notice the presence of water in your crawlspace, contact SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200.

The Nature of Smoke and Soot Dictate Clean Up Practices After Fire Damage Fire Damage

7/8/2021 (Permalink)

If you ever suffer from a structural blaze inside your Orlando home, it is always smart to contact a professional restoration company such as SERVPRO immediately. Our fire damage restoration crews know the best techniques to refinish and restore burnt and soiled items to prevent replacement. When dealing with burnt materials, smoke, which consists of partially combusted particles, can add to the extent of your problems.

When mitigating any fire damage in Orlando, our SERVPRO technicians know to use different chemicals and techniques when removing residues left behind by various smoke types. There're four categories of classification of smoke and smoke residue. Knowing the smoke class present will determine the best method to remove soot residues from your building's materials and contents.

1. Dry Smoke

Most fires go through stages of creating both wet and dry smoke. Usually, fires will have more of one type than the other. Dry smoke gets created by fast-burning, oxygen-rich burns. Also, it's made when organic materials like wood, paper, or natural fabrics burn.

2. Wet Smoke

Whether a fire produces wet or, dry smoke depends on the amount of oxygen present, combustion rate, and substance burning type. When the fire lacks oxygen and burns at a lower temperature, it produces wet smoke. Also, wet smoke is created when synthetic materials such as rubber or plastic burns. Wet smoke usually adheres stronger to most surfaces and is difficult to remove and clean.

3. Protein Residues

Protein residues can be found when products such as meat, poultry, or fish burn. When a fire starts inside your kitchen, there's a good chance that protein residues can exist. These residues leave behind a yellow or amber discoloration, but it can sometimes be clear and hard to see on a surface. Protein residues leave behind strong odors making deodorization the most prominent issue when dealing with them.

4. Fuel Oil Soots

Furnace puff-backs can create fuel oil residues that consist of dust particles from the ventilation system and fuel oils that did not burn all the way. This type of soot usually has a gray or black color and can consist of large or small particles. Often, the electrically charged ions form spiderweb-like formations in corners that can smear readily if not vacuumed and sponged off correctly.

If a fire ever ignites inside your Pine Castle, Belle Isle, or Barber Park house, contact SERVPRO of South Orlando at (407) 985-3200.

When a Disaster Strikes in Your Orlando Home, Call SERVPRO

7/1/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO employee talking to a customer You can count on SERVPRO of South Orlando!

With decades of experience across the restoration services that we offer the Orlando area, we know how to help when every minute counts. We have ready trailers and service vehicles prepared to roll out from our SERVPRO facility 24/7 to address the harsh effects of water, fire, storm, and mold losses. We also have trained professionals to handle more specific recovery niches like air duct cleaning, biohazard cleaning, abatement, and reconstruction efforts. These talents, aiding in every facet of our customers' work, improve our efficiency and effectiveness in your home or business.


Storm damage in Orlando homes is a common situation that our SERVPRO professionals must address. Central Florida is susceptible to storms from the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Properties in this midsection must remain prepared for inevitable run-ins with hurricanes, tropical storms, tornadoes, damaging winds, other harmful conditions. Our ability to handle these situations is partly due to our commitment to training and our restoration specialists' growth. Ensuring that each loss incident gets technicians that can:

• Extract and dry up floodwater (WRT – Water Restoration Technician)

• Clean contaminated areas where they exist (Biohazard Cleaning)

• Deploy air movers and dehumidifiers for effective drying solutions (ASD – Applied Structural Drying)

• Clean Carpets and other flooring types (CCT – Carpet Cleaning Technician)

• Prevent microbial growth or address present colonization (AMRT – Applied Microbial Remediation Technician)

The other aspect that has allowed our disaster relief team to become so successful in the Greater Orlando area is our commitment to having the top-tier equipment that gets the job done quickly and correctly. We keep storm trucks stocked with a deep inventory of recovery and mitigation tools, including submersible pumps, engine-driven trash pumps, power washers, air movers, and dehumidifiers.

We can offer a full-service approach amid a crisis so that our customers do not have to waste time finding secondary contractors to handle other aspects of their recovery. We have the skilled professionals to perform board-up and tarping services for your residence amid flood penetration. We can also oversee full-scale reconstruction once mitigation completes in your Orlando property.


We know how easily water loss incidents can develop, and that's why training our restoration technicians in this niche is a constant and continual process. The science of restoring water damage in Orlando homes is evolving and consistently changing. So our professionals have to move along with it – putting these new practices and equipment into use to help our customers with the most efficient and practical approach. This commitment to customer satisfaction and a positive outcome in loss incidents goes far beyond our training.

Our restoration team has access to equipment and machines that far exceed the limitations of conventional recovery tools. The truck-mounted water extractors that our SERVPRO team uses, for example, can handle the removal of thousands of gallons of water every day. This vehicle, combined with multiple other impressive pieces of equipment, sets our professionals apart in water damage restoration for the Orlando area.

We also have the capability of addressing large loss water damage in Orlando properties. 33 years of industry experience and a roster that features Commercial Drying Specialists (CDS) and those with WRT and ASD endorsements, no job is too big or too complicated for our field technicians with the right approach, equipment, and attitude.


Our team is responsible for thousands of structures in the Orlando area alone. The possibility of fire damage is a persistent threat. Knowing the best approach to handle each of these conditions hinges on the severity of the situation and what materials, surfaces, and contents have become affected. Our IICRC-Certified Fire & Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) and those with additional training in areas like odor control and upholstery/carpet cleaning have access to the leading inventory of recovery tools and products. They can quickly make it "Like it never even happened."

Much of our efficiency in fire recovery stems from these advanced and cutting-edge machines. Soot removal and cleaning, for example, often fall to a combination of specially-formulated cleaning agents and products with automated surface scrubbers that can eliminate residues on surfaces. We can also reduce or eliminate the damage to other fire and mold damaged surfaces in an Orlando house with dry ice blasting and soda blasting machines.

Every minute counts during fire recovery, so our technicians obtain IICRC certifications, understand how fire damage in Orlando properties spreads, and the best approaches to overcome these effects.


Before our certified AMRTs can set up containment barriers and begin the often-intricate process of mold remediation in your Orlando home or business – our professionals must locate the source of the moisture and dampness. These conditions are likely to happen again without adequately identifying how the water damage facilitated mold growth.

Sometimes the humid conditions are enough to generate these hazardous circumstances, as interior humidity above 60% can mold growth on ceilings and other organic materials. The initial approach is to establish isolation zones using our powerful negative air machines in conjunction with physical plastic sheeting. Mold damage in Orlando homes can spread quickly and harmfully without these containment barriers.

Suppose our technicians reach the situation in your Orlando residence fast enough. In that case, many of the hosting materials can get repaired using sophisticated equipment like dry ice blasting machines and soda-blasting equipment. These approaches can remove mold debris without harming the surface and substrate.

Orlando is a highly active area of the country, and as such, the threats of emergencies and disasters never cease. You can count on SERVPRO of South Orlando team in a crisis. Give our professionals a call at (407) 985-3200.

South Orlando Fabrication Plants Calls SERVPRO to Extract Water

7/1/2021 (Permalink)

commercial building icons Contact SERVPRO of South Orlando for your water damage repairs.

Restoring a Factory with Commercial Water Removal Services in South Orlando

Once a factory or other assembly plant in South Orlando sustains an incident involving a water loss, getting things dry again to protect employee health and safety, machinery, and productivity should begin immediately. Relying on drains to take care of the problem can only do so much. Overhead water sources can ruin delicate machines, form pools of water in depressions in pieces of equipment, and supplies, and materials. 

At SERVPRO, we are proud to help other businesses around South Orlando with commercial water removal methods so they can continue serving the public. We want our economy to stay strong, and this is how we can do our part. Removing the water from where it might otherwise remain trapped, slowly evaporating into the air, helps your factory's indoor air quality remain wholesome. It also prevents corrosion of metal and keeps microbial infestations from developing as readily as possible when excess moisture permits them to grow.  

When your equipment retains water, we can suction the water out of these machines and then wipe them down. We arrive with the tools needed, including ladders and buckets, helping ensure that your employees can continue their jobs with little or no interruption from us. Extracting the water and then wiping the machine down with oil when called for by the machinery's maintenance instructions protects your equipment from possible problems.  

Floors and other areas that your employees occupy may also need extraction work performed. Break rooms can become damp and musty when water saturates such areas, ruining food preparation equipment. Your employees need to eat during their breaks to stay energetic. 

We also want to keep your workers safe while in your plant. With water removal, we work to keep corrosion control and eliminate the possibility wherever we can. Air movers help us keep moisture from condensing on surfaces and also directs water vapor toward desiccation machines. These withdraw moisture from the air and release dry air back into the area we are treating. 

Using our various machines and tools, we protect your equipment and building from harm. SERVPRO of South Orlando water removal and extraction specialists can make things safe again so your employees can remain productive. Call (407) 985-3200 for 24-hour service.

Why Choose Professional Mold Damage Remediation in South Orlando

6/8/2021 (Permalink)

South Orlando Homeowners Realize that SERVPRO Provides the Solutions for Mold Cleanup and Removal

It can be a badge of honor for some Belle Isle homeowners to try to manage as many home improvement and maintenance projects as possible on their own. Although many tasks complete successfully with some research and a little elbow grease, remediating mold damage is a job best left to experts. Our technicians have the knowledge, products, and equipment necessary for proper mold abatement. 

A thorough understanding of the life cycle of fungi and household mold damage characteristics requires hands-on training few South Orlando homeowners possess. It can be tempting to believe a cursory treatment with a diluted bleach solution, and a cover-up with some mildew-resistant paint resolves the problem. We make sure our crew members master advanced classes in mold remediation and thoroughly consider all aspects of potential mold resurgence if the moisture that fuels microbial growth is not addressed. 

The success of SERVPRO’s professional mold remediation relies upon information learned in Applied Microbial Remediation Technician training from the IICRC and protocols developed by the EPA. Mold can never be eliminated, and any company that promises such a result is not being transparent with clients. Mold spores are found everywhere, including indoor and outdoor settings, impractical to eradicate in a household. Without a regular source of moisture, however, mold spores cause little to no damage. Consequently, finding and recommending a permanent fix to water incursion must be part of any remediation. 

Once the spores absorb water, including scenarios where indoor humidity exceeds 60 percent, the fungi reproduce and multiply into colonies. Only oxygen and moisture are needed, meaning mold growth can remain hidden to the eye, easily spreading between walls and under eaves and flooring. A musty smell can be the only sign and the edge of a colony seen in a damp corner of an attic or under a sink, maybe just a small sample of a much more massive unseen infestation. SERVPRO employees holding the Applied Microbial Remediation Technician certification realize the futility of treating just the apparent mold damage. We investigate the situation fully, discovering the extent of the mold damage, and devising a plan to contain and remove it. 

When we take on your mold remediation challenge, we make sure you and your family remain protected during the removal of colonies through effective containment strategies. Physical barriers and negative pressure air scrubbers keep mold debris away from unaffected spaces as we work. HEPA filters remove spores and mold fragments from your indoor air, and EPA registered antimicrobials to inhibit the recurrence of mold growth.  

SERVPRO of South Orlando encourages you to reach out to us for high-quality mold remediation services. Call us at (407) 985-3200 to set up a mold damage evaluation and abatement plan.

Is There a Good Mold That Can Grow in Your South Orlando Home?

6/8/2021 (Permalink)

Team SERVPRO Understands Both How to Find Mold and How to Help Prevent a Recurring Mold Infestation

There is much misinformation out there about mold and fungal growth. This confusion primarily stems from what is considered “good mold” and what can potentially cause health effects for you and other occupants of your South Orlando home. While mold has allowed for one of the most substantial breakthroughs in medical treatment (Penicillin) dating back to its discovery in a petri dish in 1928, there is no variety of mold growing in your home that can have a positive effect. 

This fact makes it all the more vital that you take mold damages in your South Orlando residence very seriously. As mentioned above, exposure to mold growth can cause health effects. Not only this, but thriving mold colonies can degrade organic materials like the framework acting as the primary supports and load-bearing fixtures of your house. 

Our SERVPRO professionals ensure that each of our qualified applied microbial remediation technicians gets fitted with the best protective equipment before entering a home with thriving mold colonies. This approach is to prevent the spread of this colony elsewhere and ensure the safety of our technicians throughout the remediation process. 

Often homeowners are not aware of just how widespread mold colonies can become if they do not get handled as quickly as possible. These active spores continue to sit and thrive in moist, warm environments. Soon the spread of these colonies is challenging even for professional remediation technicians like our SERVPRO team. 

Taking care of the mold in your home is as much about mitigation as it is about remediation or restoration. The sooner you can react to the discovery of mold damages in your home, the faster our technicians can get to work on removing these colonies and restoring the damage they have caused.  

Finding mold growing in your home is nothing that any homeowner wants to see, but it is an unfortunate reality for many in the area on account of the heat and humidity. If you find or believe you might have a colony growing in your home, do not hesitate to call our SERVPRO of South Orlando remediation technicians. You can reach us 24/7 at (407) 985-3200.

When Foul Odors Plague Your Orlando Residence You Need To Call Our Crew!

5/21/2021 (Permalink)

Removing Flood Odors From Your Orlando Residence

While many homeowners tend to think of the structural and immediate effects of a flood incident in their Orlando property, many other damaging symptoms can prove challenging to live with or endure. Resolving even these secondary effects can become simple with the appropriate choice in restoration specialists. Our team has the experience and advanced equipment to address primary and secondary effects after a flood damages your home to get things back to normal as promptly as possible. 

Odors can often be flood damage effects that get overlooked in Orlando homes because they are not as pressing or immediately damaging as standing water, oversaturation, or the facilitation of mold and fungal growth. With natural disasters with rising water levels from creeks, streams, and bodies of water around your home, the threat for contaminated water is high, which can allow for significant damages on its own, including a lingering foul odor that must get addressed. 

Our SERVPRO team has strong cleaning agents that are environmentally friendly. By cleaning nearby surfaces and structural elements, we can protect your property areas that were not directly affected and damaged by the floodwater. Contamination is a significant threat when black water exists, and exposed surfaces can absorb bacteria, dirt, and other harmful particulates. The existence of these threats can be the source for foul odors that persist even after extraction and drying have taken place. 

The professionals that head out to your flood-damaged address arrive with many tools to address lingering harsh odors on the property, including our hydroxyl generators, which can both clean out potentially harmful particulates and debris in the air, including mold spores along with addressing the foul odors. Our SERVPRO professionals can also use direct machines like our thermal and UV fogging units that can directly impact the presence of strong odor molecules. 

We have many tools and machines that can help address the many effects of flooding in area homes. Our SERVPRO of South Orlando water restoration specialists can work quickly to make flood effects “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call whenever disaster strikes at (407) 985-3200.

SERVPRO Secures and Restores Orlando Residents' Contents After a Flooding while Mitigating the Structural Damage

5/13/2021 (Permalink)

Pack-Out Possibilities When Flood Damage Strikes in Orlando

The chaos and stress of post-storm flooding in your Orlando home can paralyze you. With water and debris everywhere in your home, and quite possibly severe damage to your roof, windows, doors, and siding, you need fast, reliable help. Our team of disaster remediation experts has proven strategies to help you and your family through this difficult time. 

We often recommend a pack-out after flood damage to your Orlando home. Furnishings, household goods, documents, and personal possessions can be moved to a dry and safe space on your property or transported to our production facility. Removing the items permits our crews to move throughout flooded areas in your home unimpeded, extracting water, doing demolition if and where needed, and drying out the structure faster without the need to work around contents.

SERVPRO uses a detailed and secure Content Claims Inventory System (CCIS) to document and track the items we move out. Lists, digital pictures, and barcoding ensure we have a complete record of the articles. We collaborate with your insurance company to make sure the efforts we make to clean, dry, and restore the pack-out inventory are covered to the extent of your contract. It is typically less expensive to restore items than to discard and replace them. We help you save time, money, and memories.

Our production facility technicians are skilled in innovative techniques such as freeze-drying for document and picture restoration. Floodwaters can be contaminated, so we work to ensure the packed-out items receive effective disinfectant treatment. SERVPRO provides temperature and humidity-controlled smaller chambers to dry out furnishings and electronics. Be advised that modern electronics often need precise cleaning from specialty companies. We have piston-driven Esporta washing equipment to clean soft items and immersion tubs and ultrasonic equipment to loosen flood debris soiling from blinds and intricately detailed decor and other items.

Meanwhile, SERVPRO crews at your house secure the exterior damage with boards and tarp, moving on to extracting, containing, and disposing of the floodwaters according to local regulations. We can spray and treat soiled areas with EPA-registered disinfectants before using commercial-quality air movers, heaters, and dehumidifiers to ready your home for the return of the packed-out items. "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of South Orlando awaits your call at (407) 985-3200. Contact us to evaluate your flood damage and rapid remediation of your home and a professional pack-out of floodwater-damaged items.


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